Cranky uptight restrained people are at higher risk of experiencing clogged arteries, well so they say, as they supposedly lock in all of their frustrations and The Scots interestingly enough do have a much higher incidence of heart disease. More
So do we need lots of garlic, colour, red wine, pizza, spaghetti, salami and olive oil to let our emotions loose for good health and good eating?

Sound like a pretty good reason for a daily party and better reason not to eat "The Haggis".
However if we are left exposed and continue to be fed toxic waste from polluted minds of Canberra we may all be threatened rather than sustained by the rising frustrations in the community towards the BIG issues threatening future generations. Yes lots of us need to take a stand on this one. This is no haggis story, this is real multi generational poison.

Let the Blow Dolls of Global Warming continue to attract attention to the dysfunctional and disturbed attitude being enacted over the liberties and laws which we have previously enjoyed, laws such as the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, as it was in our Courts and land until our modern day supposed leader began riding side gun to George W Bush with his now exposed nuclear intentions.
New clear intention.

Maybe he needed to shift Saddam and kept Peter at bay to remove competition, another stroke of a take over. Wonder if Macquarie Bank had a hand in that one too! 

That's All Folks back to my Pond Love and Blessings to all phDuck
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