Sustainable life of man kind and especially indigenous communities of the Northern Territory of Australia is definitely under sever threat owing to what is beginning to appear as some of the most most underhand sinister clandestine political arrangement of Canberra and the United States "
chronism" con jobs since the "Tampa damper" according to information made public tonight by Dr Helen
Caldicott when she announced on the
Difference of Opinion Program on ABC TV that a
consortium including
Halliburton KBR had been involved in the construction of the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line. The
Ghan is an abbreviation of Afghan relating to the camel driving traders who
plyed the land in the sanctuary of last century . Trust
Halliburton with their well known links to Afghanistan, Iraq and now Dubai to get their sticky little fingers in the Australian Governments coffers with the 50 year lease of the finished project included.

See the transcript of the ABC program and vote to protect the next 1000+ generations of Australians from US toxic waste which is intended to make or should we say snake its way to
Muckaty Station when these "Big Boys" with filthy habits cease their vile predatory invasions on the people of this land Australia. Talk about a Northern Territory clean up, let it begin in Canberra and the sooner the better before we are abused by any more of that pathetic YOU TUBE trash from their polluted thinking and corrupted morals.
Here is the electorates reply.
Dr Helen Caldicott: is a world leading spokesperson for the antinuclear movement and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. A medical doctor, she has devoted the past thirty-five years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age. Dr
Caldicott is a bestselling author and divides her time between the central coast of New South Wales and Washington, DC, where she is President of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute.
That's all Folks
phDuck seeks your considered attention to this debate which is the most dangerous and threatening issue before all Australians right NOW as these vested interests scramble to hold power to the pipe and railway lines of future slush funds from the uranium industry and their festered and vested interests.
Love, Blessings, and thanks to all who care and act today and are concerned about sustaining our community to the future
corporate executives are very welcome at our Centre where we know that if we change the way we look at things the
things we look at change.
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