ELLE MacPherson Internationally recognised model of joyful unrestricted living, confident and passionate, dedication to her career and her fully womanhood sustaining life with her family, as her life and all life should be free from domination, and manipulation of weary minds and fear driven religiously encrusted patriarchal rule.
Now lets look within our waters of consciousness.
With its image of wholesome goodness, you'd think milk was something you could drink with a clear conscience. But maybe not. When it comes to measuring the size of your carbon footprint, I bet you'd never thought of the impact of drinking a few lattes each week - yet reducing your weekly milk intake by two cups saves around 250kg of greenhouse gases in a year, says Brian Sherman, director of the animal rights organisation, Voiceless. That's about a quarter of the annual emissions saved by switching from a normal sedan car to a hybrid, he points out.
But I've already shrunk my dairy consumption for another reason. Raised on images of green pastures and contented cows, I'd been clueless about the real cost of producing dairy food - the welfare of calves.To keep us all in milk, cheese and yoghurt, dairy cows have to give birth to a calf every year. 'Bobby' calves is the name given to the unwanted male offspring born to dairy cows. Like the male chicks destroyed at birth because they can't lay eggs, thousands of newborn male calves, useless for milking, are separated from their mothers and at four or five days old transported for up to 12 hours by truck to an abattoir. According to Fiona Hunt, Animal Welfare Policy Officer of the RSPCA Victoria, these calves sometimes remain unfed for up to 48 hours before slaughter. more

I'm taking a duck a Dive,
Not just a trip before the fall, more a dive into the murky waters beneath de' feet.
Back on the Pond soon, look in here for a lovely safe float, you wont get hurt, promise, and you just cannot sink.
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