Now aspiring Prime Minister Peter Costello has lent his support to this audacious move and considering Mr Costello made the accusation of state governments being addicted to gambling income some time ago one can possibly see the reasons why the prime minister won't take his foot off Peter Costello's throat.
I have wondered for some time now how Peter could be so cold, calculating, contained and hard when his brother Tim was such an open generous compassionate man, generally members of one family, of one Mother who have had relatively ok lives have deep and similar limbic system development connecting them from their early fostering so maybe treasure Costello is beginning to be seen in a better light by the community as Peter Nicholson so beautifully illustrates with this latest rubbery figure.
Need less to say Peter Holmes a Court (HAC) to his South Sydney crew and Russell Crowe have certainly placed the cat amongst the pigeons and subsequently rattled the cages in Macquarie street and amongst other Rum running foot soldiers of the AHA and Clubs little fold of "hands in their pockets" pretense responsibility.
As Gambling Counsellors we have been trying to make our way through this mire of lies and deceit for many years, so now to see these modern day Gladiators moving the goal posts of society for the better of fellow men is a monumental achievement worthy of great recognition in this challenging time of big business domination and Global warming denial.
The story is one and the same.Abusive domination by politics of oil or abuse from the profiting of gambling and alcoholic profiteering. The scale from microscopic to macroscopic systems reveal identical patterns of influence, of control, of denial, and of suffering and abuse at the soiled and bloodied hands of cowardly ignorance, greed, and deceit. Taken in the might and right of profit and manipulative suggestion of community benefits and employment. Lets destroy all the forests of the world thay are saying, and we will plant pine trees min their place, but all the micro flora and fauna are dead and destroyed.

Blessings to Russell and Peter and all who are ready to cross the floor, we are "GOING ABOUT" and there is no limit to the Glory of South Sydney or any individual who is prepared to live, breath and sleep with a clear conscious.
Wow! now this type of courage and leadership has me punching the air and we know deep within our heart and every tingling cells of our very being that this new direction will lead us into open safe waters and psychological release of imprisonment from the political cowards and perpetrators of vice, crime and organised domination.
Such grand behaviour is evidence of sustainability on the move. Fine, gentle, slow, quiet, yet itself earth shattering, organic driven fine strength, growth from the essence of life driving forth from the battery of the pavement just as we see that green movement of life as plant makes its way thought the jungles of concrete foot paths so too will South Sydney regain its former glory and show the way.
Who would have expected this from the humble old Rabbithos other than two wonderful leaders of society.
Bless them and Thank them, and remember Doctor Martin Luther Kings Dream or that Nelson Mandela was locked away for 27 years but never lost his spirit to liberate South African apartheid, Gandhi led India from the oppressive powers of British domination, and similarly Princess Diana will never die from the minds and hearts of mankind.
These people ask for nothing more than permission to try to seek acceptance and gain respect, love and appreciation and become great through love compassion and understanding.
That's all Folks
Back to the Pond for me
Love and Blessings phDuck
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