Saturday, 22 September 2007


Sustaining a mindful watch on issues of National community significance sees national benefactor and trigger of consciousness Dick Smith stepping up to the mark once again as he locks into the deal to protect Tasmania's ancient exploration site into the Southern Antarctic by a French expedition in 1790.

At the same time Dick Smith and his son in law were intending to develop an Eco tourism lodge at Crescent Bay near Port Arthur and in some peculiar quirk of fate the development has been scuttled by powers that be bringing into doubt and generating conflict which may see this opportunity for a very sensible sustainable development lost to the region even though there was substantial initial support for the project.
So society become divided and very confused as they wonder just how in the name of sustainability could the encumbered Federal Minister for water and the environment even consider approving the monstrous destructive polluting mill in which this former merchant banker who seems influenced by a highly suspicious State Government its premier and the minister's banking friends are prepared to finance the mill for the glory of this totally insensitive logging company Gunns which holds its people in a hypnotic short narrow sighted "trance of employment" for the immediate fix of a "jack pot snort" because that is the easiest way to strip the people, keep them under control, "remember divide and rule." and tax them till they have spent their wages.
Adoption of power to rule:
Divide and rule:
This is the crux and pin point at the very lack of morality and ethics which continue to be eroded daily, tolerated for misdirection by the deliberate manipulation of "immature boy power" by the unfaced heads, those accountable financial dominating powers behind and propelling this corporate ignorance where so many incredibly important matters are being over ridden simultaneously as the electorate are being deliberately divided in a sinister attempt to hold power by these urchin faced gentlemen fools of commerce, smirking in their suits. "Suits" who believe their achievement of wealth makes them worthy of their self appointed right to rule all men by the hand of finance, guns,and licenced bombs of alcohol, drugs and gambling. Let these dark room practices be bought into the light to wash off these stains of debilitating laziness which society has become unwittingly dependent upon in a false belief that they were escaping from burdens of accumulated social trauma.
Dinkum Aussies like Dick Smith Paul Harrigan and their kind who know and unashamedly show that it does not make them worthy or grant them rights to ignore the overall sensitivity of mankind just because they can make their fortunes without consciousness, in total disregard to organic, natural, social sustainability from the luck of ill gotten gains by them playing tricky steps, dummies, shoves and passes of banking, uranium, gold, mining, alcohol, poker machines, lotto, or trading in agriculture commodities at the expense of the land, the nations children, its people and its elders.

Here is a model for sustainable being presented by Peter Holmes a Court and Russell Crowe in their drive to expose one of the most wicked and destructive tools of social demise in poker machine, the support for these scientific gadgets of human emotional illusion are as evil and short sighted as those who support such self benefiting rewards as uranium sales and wood chips or ignore global warming.

We all need to be mindful to the sensitivity of the earth and ourselves as mankind continues to expand in population and finding ways and means to sensitively live with and on this land in a complimentary manner, what appears to be cleared farm land could surely be converted back to a sensitive Eco tourist lodge with greater benefits than having the land constantly affected by questionable agricultural practices of its former use.
Relating Dick Smith's proposal to progress a sustainable development in this Port Arthur region to the social progression of a boy to manhood let us make an interesting analogical and comparable observation to sport and social behavioural development.
Now in this land of Australia and through out the world football, cricket and many sporting and entertaining events are promoted, funded and sponsored by big budget alcohol and finance promotion.

Mean time young sports champions, the "big gun star performing boys" fall prey under such erratically influenced social "break out" behaviour from the very stressful constraints of being heroes in the eye of the public because football or cricket is "what they do well" at that immature age before they become men.

Some boys simply never make manhood, at any age, even though they make their way into corporate heads and politics.

We leave you with Barry Humphries character of Sir Les Patterson as the perfect model closely followed by the magic of Matthew Johns' Reggie Reagan "bringing back the biff".

Simply because their sexuality is functional certainly does not serve as a right of passage to mature development and responsibility and the alter ego's of Sir Les and Reg sure do a great job of relating this grog dribbling scrotum rubbing character who is always ready for a bit of "slap and dribble"

Let this amazing Sir Les the repugnant and brilliant, character of Barry Humphries entertain you for a moment so we might link the champion to some cultural aspirations and personal inner contradiction with the sensitivities evoked by these artisans of theatre sports.

When all is said and done are we not all players in this game of life.
If we are able to see things from both sides then we are able to check if we are locked onto the mental image of a RABBIT OR A DUCK.

A Mat or a Reg or a Les or a Barry. Or a sustainable sensible development where we all may benefit from the challenge of change.
After all "if we change the way we look at things the things we look at change".

So lets all begin to "GO ABOUT" this change of attitude together with a sustainable and open mind attitude.
That's all Folks back to the pond.
Love and Blessings to all phDuck

Thursday, 20 September 2007


Peter Holmes A Court has most definitely sent out a challenge to the Clubs and Pubs. In an ABC radio interview with Len Ainsworth the 80+ year old major stake holder of Aristocrat poker machines he said "that he has never gambled because he is just too mean to waste his money".

Be prepared for the tired old arguments about not being able to support junior and community participation with those self serving, self flagellating statements from the braggarts and sprukers from the Red and Blue Corners of Clubs Pubs and AHA lobbyists.
Please remember we once had football and cricket without sponsorship at all, then we actually managed to wean our selves from cigarette and tobacco sponsorship, only to fall prey to alcohol and gambling. There are other sponsors eager to move into this highly lucrative community sporting and social collective area to promote their wares.

Now in the neutral corner we see Reverend Tim Costello, brother of the aspiring Prime Minister Peter Costello continuing to lend his experience, knowledge and community respect to the anti gambling argument.

Just as the clubs and pubs have their lobbyists so too do the political parties have a conflict of interest in accepting massive contributions from the pro gambling lobby, and

I find this article by Miranda Divine rather interesting as one of these double handed players of our modern world blindly plays his hand to grab power whilst Peter brother, Rev Tim Costello and Peter Holmes A Court and Russell Crowe and Kevin Rudd all agree that we need a better attitude to our community and the welfare of civilisation by beginning to offer the local community some alternative entertainment and a change of taxation dependency.
Mean time other big end players with their eye focused as they gamble on the jack pot of big money as tey juggle, jostle,slaughter, dismiss and manipulate the lives and well being of their fellows in the big poker machine of national and international politics. Once more we bring to attention the systemic identity of the macro and micro perspectives of gambling.

This really does make me wonder just what depth some of these pretensive manipulators will resort to to get their hands on power and money.
It's the God Father all over, but in real time down town Federal electorate of Wentworth.

Well I will not support such manipulative intent nor the devious clandestine, twisted mouth behaviour and I sincerely believe that honesty, decency, truth, and commitment will lead us out of the claw of these desperate power grabbing weaklings and onto to a sustainable and renewable future.
Glory to South Sydney, and many thanks to Peter HAC and Russell Crowe for bringing the truth about gambling out into the light of day.
That's it Folks back to the Pond for me
Love and Blessings to all phDuck.


Sustaining their mindful reformation Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court are certainly showing the way to community responsibility when it comes to gambling.

Now aspiring Prime Minister Peter Costello has lent his support to this audacious move and considering Mr Costello made the accusation of state governments being addicted to gambling income some time ago one can possibly see the reasons why the prime minister won't take his foot off Peter Costello's throat.
I have wondered for some time now how Peter could be so cold, calculating, contained and hard when his brother Tim was such an open generous compassionate man, generally members of one family, of one Mother who have had relatively ok lives have deep and similar limbic system development connecting them from their early fostering so maybe treasure Costello is beginning to be seen in a better light by the community as Peter Nicholson so beautifully illustrates with this latest rubbery figure.
Need less to say Peter Holmes a Court (HAC) to his South Sydney crew and Russell Crowe have certainly placed the cat amongst the pigeons and subsequently rattled the cages in Macquarie street and amongst other Rum running foot soldiers of the AHA and Clubs little fold of "hands in their pockets" pretense responsibility.
As Gambling Counsellors we have been trying to make our way through this mire of lies and deceit for many years, so now to see these modern day Gladiators moving the goal posts of society for the better of fellow men is a monumental achievement worthy of great recognition in this challenging time of big business domination and Global warming denial.
The story is one and the same.Abusive domination by politics of oil or abuse from the profiting of gambling and alcoholic profiteering. The scale from microscopic to macroscopic systems reveal identical patterns of influence, of control, of denial, and of suffering and abuse at the soiled and bloodied hands of cowardly ignorance, greed, and deceit. Taken in the might and right of profit and manipulative suggestion of community benefits and employment. Lets destroy all the forests of the world thay are saying, and we will plant pine trees min their place, but all the micro flora and fauna are dead and destroyed.

Blessings to Russell and Peter and all who are ready to cross the floor, we are "GOING ABOUT" and there is no limit to the Glory of South Sydney or any individual who is prepared to live, breath and sleep with a clear conscious.
Wow! now this type of courage and leadership has me punching the air and we know deep within our heart and every tingling cells of our very being that this new direction will lead us into open safe waters and psychological release of imprisonment from the political cowards and perpetrators of vice, crime and organised domination.

Such grand behaviour is evidence of sustainability on the move. Fine, gentle, slow, quiet, yet itself earth shattering, organic driven fine strength, growth from the essence of life driving forth from the battery of the pavement just as we see that green movement of life as plant makes its way thought the jungles of concrete foot paths so too will South Sydney regain its former glory and show the way.
Who would have expected this from the humble old Rabbithos other than two wonderful leaders of society.
Bless them and Thank them, and remember Doctor Martin Luther Kings Dream or that Nelson Mandela was locked away for 27 years but never lost his spirit to liberate South African apartheid, Gandhi led India from the oppressive powers of British domination, and similarly Princess Diana will never die from the minds and hearts of mankind.
These people ask for nothing more than permission to try to seek acceptance and gain respect, love and appreciation and become great through love compassion and understanding.
That's all Folks
Back to the Pond for me
Love and Blessings phDuck

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Sustaining the pressure to maintain a liberal community at the centre of Australian politics sure has brought forward the "struggling" latent environmental talents of a species when threatened, in the primitive unconscious oragnicity of events the impulse perceives threats to some ancient recollection of survival a potential danger of being "shut out" abandoned to perishing dismissal as human waste.
Could this be hells birth place?
Striving for life and paralised for individual creativity by obscessive material excellence the fearfilled so believe they must remain competitive by locking out and defeating any opposition with what ever tactics they have at their immediate disposal to avoid death in this round of their life.
Just as the spermatozoa swims single mindedly to the wanton cell egg these clamouring bucks head out along that rifles tube to be jettisoned into open space of this foreign unexplored universal dark cylindrical tube, unfamiliar territory to negotiate whilst maintaining that near geotrophic inclination to proceed swimming, swimming for life in the event that conception at race completion will supersede death.

Similarly imagine if you can the start of a major City to surf race where thousands of would be competitors are set off simultaneously. The jockeying, pushing, holding back, scratching punching, tripping, stalking, intimidating, blocking, jumping over, knotting up,Summer saulting, twisting , disguised, piking, and doubling flipping with twists would all be boiling in this mass of energetic jockeying as the competitors gained space to step out to full unimpeded strokes for even gait.
In summary, the vast majority of ejaculated sperm are lost at various points between the cervix and oviduct.

A few exhausted semifinalists make it to the site of fertilization. Of those, of course, there can be only one "winner" for each egg. Without meaning to, John Wayne provided a good synopsis of the life a sperm. "Life is tough and then you die".

So now in these days of Requiem we watch as the exhausted begin to fall by the way side and the young buck begin to make their primal spurt at the line after travelling comfortable in the broken waters of the leader who soon will be seen to peel away from the lead and take his relegated position on the wings.
as birds fly in a V to help conserve their energy during migrations. With the exception of the individual leading the group, each bird trailing behind the other benefits from a reduction in wind resistance. The birds are deliberating tailgating each other; it's the concept of “drafting,” best known to those gutsy people who drive close behind semis on the freeway to stay out of the wind and boost their fuel efficiency.

This formation has been well and truly played by the leading birds of Australian politics during the past 11 years and now as the migration approaches the end of its journey we are observing the final moments as the "young cocks" attempt to strike their final blow and rupture that "egg of the ballot box" as they break free in Jonathan Livingston seagull fashion.

So what do we see happening when these 'birds' have been grounded for life and replaced their feathers and quills for suits and computers the same old same old circular pattern. Except this group of Jonathan's who are making a run for the line are carrying nuclear batons.
That's is alarming and we should be sending out a red alert.

"My goodness me of course I don't want to take the lead or push myself forward"
"John Howard was definitely the best man to lead us here" (watch our mouth!)
That's all Folks back to the Pond
Love and Blessings to all phDuck

Sunday, 9 September 2007


Sustaining loving international relations has always left room for the cynical artisans to play their wares and wit and such a big event as APEC which does not mean Australian Police Eat Curry even though they would have been given the warm end of the rifle by their infuriated Commissioner who pretty well lost self control as he wrote comedian Dave Hughes next script "I'M ANGRY"

whilst telling the world he was angry at the larrikin Chasers for bruising his highly sensitive ego when they ran a "make do" Canadian envoy with motor bike escorts to deliver Bin Laden to George Dubbya at the Sydney Inter Continental.
Hey folks not only did the good commissioner get mad because his bully boys missed the Chaser they also missed the highly unarmed motorcyclists who headed the envoy. Now is it any wonder that we cannot find Bil Laden.
So Bin if you are out there or any one reading this reading this blog please call the angry Commissioner and tell him just where you hid the motor bikes and their riders, this is a matter of state and national commissioners INsecurity and must be addressed with the greatest urrrrrgengy. But we think we know who you are so come forward and avoid the Chasers exposing you too.
Last night whilst the Aussies were converting tries at the World Cup I decided to write a bit of a parody on APEC so here we go.


Gidday, my fellow Australians
Johnnies got a Driza bone
He's given Georgie one too, (maybe three or more,)
But this cheesy little Christian dick won’t be tellin’ truth that’s for sure.

Not too sure about Janet I think I saw her Pandering with Shirleys Dooner
She paraded her possum with the ladies and did some dancing tricks, t’was fun
Other protesters of the day wrote it on their bum
New commissioner "Scar Face" well, he just had no fun.
Whilst thousands of coppers lost their dough on equine diseased ponies
The wicked team of Chaser filled in by offering phonies.

Can’t forget that bull turned Malcolm sitting in his shade
We never saw his head at all, through out the who charade
Seems he’s more than worried about keeping his federal seat
With our popular mayor of Waverley turning up the heat.
Being blood related to more of the local kind the Mayor is doing all he can
To topple this liberal pony who sells his soul for uranium or any banking man.
As he hides behind the fence waiting to succeed
Liberal leader he will be, John, when your head falls off George’s lead.

Nothing would be better than to see this self appointed socialite
A would be “toff” of banks and social upper class,
Fall right off his own slimy face and land upon his uranium lovers’ arse.
Lawyer, banker, politician, Queen Counsel possibly by graft
Fools us not with his double tongued plum, or his witless snobbery class
He pretends he’s all so clever and environmentally wise,
Of course to him being prime minister is right within his eyes.
I wonder, Oh I wonder does Johnnie give you shivers.
As he give a job to Malcolm to nationalising our rivers.

With BHP and Rio Tinto busy signing big deals,
The Northern Territory Kooris’ are living with out meals.
Johnnie sent the army there to care for kids who need a hand
Never did he tell the truth this lying little man
It’s all about uranium, and a waste dump upon the freedom of their land
This calculating little flip has done the deals and signed them off
To Russia, India and now Iran.
Believe me folks he’s a conniving low life man.

Just because he’s lame and deaf is no reason to persist
The Kooris are not “whities”, they deserve to be heard, we insist.
Before he pushes them from their land so Yanks can fly their flag
What of land rights, justice, or some better reason why not to be shagged.

Should this unrepentant minister priming corporation’s greed
Ever in his wildest dream believe he will succeed.
Why these wise Kooris have held the land for 40,000 years
Do you ever think they won’t be heard before your time is done?
You better watch for “that dri aza bone“for you your time has truly come.

To close the deals and sell his lode he’s pushed APEC over the top.
And The Chaser did their very best to bust his top notch cop.
“I’m angry, very angry came the roar from “Scar Face” head
Whilst the world busted it’s gizzards, laughing so hard they pissed their bed.

href=",25199,32,00.html">Happy Global warming kiddies Russia has the Uranium
Whilst Indonesia has Russia's guns
Is it any wonder Aussie’s show Bush disgust just with their bums.

Thats all Folks
Love and Blessings to all and we give thanks that no one was severely wounded and we humbly acknowledge the commissioners discomfort.
Counsellor phDuck

Saturday, 8 September 2007


If only we could impart the wonderful teachings of the great free thinkers into our sustainable community so that expressions and actions of truth, love and justice became sincere for all living creatures as Albert nominated. the world would be in the safer state of mindful consciousness.

Expanding resistance builds in a balloon as we force more air inside its skin until the balloon becomes over inflated and explodes, rupturing its container. In a similar display of resistance the kites fly high during Bondi's Festival of the winds.
These kites climb the sky sheering the wind with the resistance held by the tether to be grounded back at the kite flyer.
As the flyer plays his wires the kite performs mid air aerobatics darting, diving swirling left and right in such a similar model to humanity being played by political forces pulling and pushing with law, commercialism, taxes, regulations and social control. Mean time Mothers' do the child nurturing and rearing,washing ironing, home cleaning, cooking and when they are lucky take nostalgic trips to the beach at Bondi for coffee. This universal patriarchal model is challenged within the emotional, spiritual, living element of all life forms and the earth itself, but not by the political mafia.
In the greater scale earth is only tethered by inter cosmic relationship of atomic oscillation on a scale of a super large kite with cosmic tethers.
Albert Einstein reminds us we are not separate but are part of the whole and we are all interrelated. All that is accept those counter political forces who choose to ignore the screams of their already over inflated cultures who are pleading with these men who are "Shooting the Global Breeze" to listen to the "children" inheriting their egotistical narrow minded folly of ignorance..
Kites in Ancient China

Kites have made their appearance over three thousand years ago, in China. All the right materials were found there, for it's making: Bamboo for the frame, and silk for the sail and bridle. It had a mythical and religious dimension. Later it was experimented as a science instrument for various researches. From China, the kite was reproduced throughout Asia, then later, in Europe, and now, in the modern age, in America, Australia and other countries.

Other forms of kites have developed over time and Australian cartoonist and Rubber Figures producer Peter Nicholson asked us to share this link to his latest APEC comedy kite.
This all starts to become rather laughable when we want to make some fun about "Shooting the Breeze", that great old expression for "hanging out or just having a chat" which really is a pretty good low key way to explain the Australian APEC sojourn where the big boys have flown big nuclear powered kites, economic kites, and Global warming kites whilst their partners, the women are separated from the men's Club 'Smoking Room' as if they were habitually sent out to do the dishes talk about good hair, fashion and shoes whilst they will get to see Bondi kites if they get their work done in time.
Thats all Folks back to the Pond
Love and Blessings to all phDuck


Albert Einstein left us many 'pearls of his wisdom' through out his amazing career.

In November 1972 he was quoted in the New York Post suggesting that man could do well by changing the way we look at things so that the things we look at may change when he said:

"A humane being is part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space."
"He sees himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest."

"A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness."

"This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affections for a few people nearest to us."
"Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."

Now seeing as Albert was one of the men with Oppenheimer who were responsible for splitting the atom which lead to nuclear bombs we should take on board his advice today as wise Counsel one would imagine.

One really does wonder if the recently instated Commissioner of New South Wales police who said he gets angry at Australian larrikanism,(Chasers) whilst the world laughs is the right man to be heading up the security forces when we so desperately need love, tolerance, compassion, intelligence and understanding in to days society which is being forced into nuclear energy on a gross scale whilst such men as this good Christian Commissioner we are told throws "tanties." of anger. It is so easy to see why violence may erupt when one's ego causes such disassociation of the commissioner's mind so readily when peace, humour and levity are exercised to demonstrate the concentration of toxicity in the minds of men of force.
That's all folks once more we send out our love and blessings for the safety of all during these very volatile days of the Australian APEC conference in Sydney,
phDuck is back on the Pond

Thursday, 6 September 2007


Sustaining pressure on the community of man raises the intensity of defence as we have stated previously,the pressure cooker is a classic example for community members who do not yet understand the collective psychology of the nation there is lots for them to yet understand that the sustained promotion of any product gives rise to increased social awareness in the market place. The coming election is a classic, and all things being equal, which isn't the normal way the Prime Minister likes to bowl, we could reasonably expect his uranium sales to be contested along with the nuclear waste dump he has snuck into the Northern Territory with the help of Haliburton KBR that other major friend a Us vice president Dick Cheney's military toy.
So this long running promotional campaign by the "supposed Coalition of the Willing" also generates an increase in the intensity of defences of the denied party for a gratification of its needs.

So the Chaser helps the Police by bringing their horse to school children's rally yesterday for a good old laugh and today Wednesday they set up a 'b;lack Maria convoy with police escorts to bring their Osama Bin Laden to see the American President on this blog from anABC report the response from a broad cross section across NSW absolutely loved what the Chaser war on Everything has done to put the "cat amongst the pigeons"

Love and Blessings to all for a clearing of consciousness in the age of Aquarius.

Thats All for this post back to the
Pond for me


Sustaining our drive for community mindfulness to the organic needs for our inner children, our selves, our families, our earth and society generally is certainly foremost in to days APEC world of events. Here we would like to bring to attention these recent articles from a BBC health site which follow on very well from earlier posts telling of the effect of abuse and trauma on our society and how these habits and cultural behaviours are transferred across and over generations of unwitting traumatised souls.

In general, we all have at some time have disregard and unintentionally ignored these stimuli seeking attention for some ungratified need. If continually ignored, left indefinitely denied, we will eventually become totally desensitised to their call for attention.Effectively cutting ourselves off emotionally. This proceeds to further unintentional,unconscious disregard and with time we develop "socially" performed diversionary tactics such as binge drinking alcohol, spitting, scratching, squinting, gambling, smoking, drugging, shopping, sexing, working, golfing, meeting, coffee chatting, all hanging out behaviours with our mates and associates to avoid the discomfort or sense of loneliness which becomes apparent to consciousness when one is left alone with one self in some state of inactivity and the awareness begins to raise its attention seeking tentacles into consciousness. We may become agitated, fidgety, bored is the most common expression we hear in our Counselling work.

Relationships often link people together this way where two individuals believe they just have so much in common with each other they become amazed with each others common reality "I've found my soul mate" we often hear when in fact both parties have learned similar or common ways to manage their individual discomforts, so this "common bond" belief seems to pull them further into commitment until for some bizarre reason the train of events becomes bumpy. The Magnetic attraction now senses moments of repulsion the "going in the relationship gets tough" and they come to us ready to look at just why it is that they feel so hurt by the other persons actions or in actions.
Why things were just so good, "she was my rock and I was her rock, we were just so good together, now this........"

Thats all Folks Back to the Pond
Love and Blessings to all phDuck


Sustaining community awareness to the need of mindful attention is certainly not difficult when the APEC leaders now openly declare their determination to lead the world into a massive nuclear power surge to maintain their pressure and attack on earth's resources to fill the coffers of international numeracy whilst any fair minded woman, man or child who dares to lodge an objection is slandered and condemned as being against the "STATE". Courts of supposed Justice for democracy which, unfortunately themselves have over time been convinced and "sucked in by the spin" of Evil Step Mother mythology and have fallen as prey by the way side to her wicked systemic erosion of civil liberties as these obsessed wood cutters of international commerce believe in selfishly living by the sword insulated behind their multi layered barriers of fortified protection.
If we transpose this model into the health of an individual or in the instance of a child we presume a concerned parent naturally does the utmost to ease the child's discomfort be what it may. However when a parent deliberately and knowingly ignores a child's needs that parent becomes guilty and culpable of committing deliberate abusive.
Neglect of this nature traumatically scars that child for life until the scar is addressed, counselled and allowed to heal and for the whole body to become sensitive living, emotionally responsive integrated flesh alive once more.
Further more when such a scarred wounded individual becomes so insensitive to recognise his own discomfort or he has been raised without self awareness he may refuses to succumb, so insensitive is he, he is incapable to even recognise his own physical ailment. When generations of ancestors have been so unintentionally abused we see the development of cultural isolation, cultural beliefs and driving ideologies becoming transfixed as political belief systems. Hence the King Has No clothes became and remains a living mythological theme for politicians generally.
In such cases we, the observers, declare that individual to be "in denial" or in need of support, love, understanding and guidance to avoid the dangers of self medicating abuse and neglect, through excesses of self medication with food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work, worry etc. Heart disease is a classic example of such reality where all the worries and pressures of maintaining pace with the worlds demands causes daily heart attacks for those who ignore the signs and symptoms of dis-ease.
By other example when we see fruit or bread beginning to decompose or mould in our fruit bowl or bread keeper we remove it to prevent the spreading of that particular disease, or we use fire to fight fire by back burning. The recent bout of Equine flu is classic example of addressing a problem to minimise infection.
However by adopting such tactics to minimise national resentment to war and the establishment of TOXIC nuclear waste dumps which will remain highly active for untold generations is beyond the the rights of these corporate "state heads" whose behaviour continues to be more akin to that of Wicked Step Mother of Grimm's Tales
So I really do have an issue with these world leaders of commerce raising the barriers of denial to legitimate intelligent discussion to assist progress the urgent changes necessary for sustaining balanced universal and humane relations in a world screaming for absolute and sensitive sustainable integration.
In relationship therapy this is the very model of the work we do. Those who cannot recognise their need for change leave the relationship and move off into the world to repeat the mistakes as their fore fathers did before them and so "the sins of the father are passed down from generation to generation. Father to son to son.

"Little duck, little duck, dost thou see,
Hänsel and Grethel are waiting for thee?
There's never a plank, or bridge in sight,
Take us across on thy back so white."

That's all Folks Back to the Pond
Love and Blessings to all phDuck

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


Sustaining our campaign of mindfulness for community care and sustainability has certainly been challenged by the APEC charade with John Howards pension for lies, cunning and stealth we see here in the the spin doctors grammar in this "pre prepared" article press release where agreement has been made in talks which had not yet been held.
I am amazed at the way this charade has been played and spun by the Prime Minister who this time has really shot himself right in the foot, the way he limps around makes me think this may be some sort of karmic reward.
Talk about treating this nation and its people as original primitive British settlement with out back dunnies well up the back yard.

One lost soul I tried to communicate with yesterday, a middle aged immigrant accountant actually said to me yesterday "What else will we do with the outback".
So we just watch John Howard send in the army to chase away all the pedaphiles and traumatised aboriginies and then make an out back dunny to long drop the worlds toxic nuclear waste in their back yard where the city folk will not have their Bondi cafe late disturbed.
It as if out of sight is out of mind is that your intention Mr Howard? And what is your tricky by half banker's teller, as the ministers for environmental destruction has his throne "set up" by the mob as their intended prime minister.
Lets us hope and pray for the universe to rein upon these lost, daft imbeciles and trust for the clearing of higher universal consciousness sets about some truthful reconciliation so that they can see things from the other side.
"If we change the way we look at things the things we look at change."
That's all Folks I thing I will look for a quite place to avoid the crush of these insane "HEADS" of state.
Love and Blessings to all phDuck


Sustaining community relations with the United States has been foremost in the minds of Australia's politicians for many years a former Prime Minister Bob Hawke made clear last night at the delivery of former diplomat Bob Woolcots book about political diplomacy.
With all the whoo haa about the arrival of President Bush we read that five leaders of APEC countries will come in on commercial flights, could it it be that these are real leaders who have not upset their constituents or their school children and due to intelligent diplomacy and equitable communication have not created enemies or alienated themselves to a point of needing to be contained behind this massive defencive wall of security.

Whilst Foreign minister Downer sets up double ended Uranium sales with Russia, and wants to hook into the rising power of India the lads of APEC are getting cocky and think their tidy little club can now 'stick it to Europe' to open up their markets for free trade agreements so that the Yanks will be able to dominate everybody with their commercial invasion back by the power of their international surveillance and 2.8 m grid lock to hold back the emotionally starved hordes who believe in living free democratic sustainable environment we once understood earth to be before we began treating it like dunny in the back yard.
There is a major difference in modern international politics and that is the disassociation that occurs between body and soul when "HEADS" of state loose contact with the spirit of their constituent bodies. Recognising this reality requires characteristics of love, compassion, empathy, generosity, non threatening, environmental organic connection. Once these essential human traits are lost into the delusion of power the organistic process which connects mind and body looses contact with itself. In effect the mind becomes deaf to emotional sensations and it is then that people begin to roar to be heard and they will be heard but will not be HERDED and yarded to be treated as baying dogs.
Let us pray hope that the universe reins down upon us all during this critical hour as lost ones struggle to maintain their depleting sources of power and domination of earth and all men.
Love One and Other as I have loved you these words have never been more pertinent in the world than they are today.

Monday, 3 September 2007


Sustaining security ahead of global warming is the agenda of APEC community mindfulness in the mind of Prime Minister Howard.

This certainly seems to be the case with President Bush flying in with his very own Bush bullet proof limo prepared to run the gauntlet (as Andrew Johns so open admitted) to the chance of staying safe during his Australian plotting campaign to secure our Central Australian energy rich sources for American corporate plunder.
History repeats itself endlessly Portugese, Spanish, Roman, French and other civilisations have all risen and fallen like our daily bread, but never before have we in Australia been so wickedly sold out by lying eyes by half deaf half truths.
Such a shame that Sydney cannot host a convention of this nature in the open to listen to and enjoy reasonable discussions, and take a vote on issues of importance instead of these dictators of commerce locking themselves in fear behind this massive network built to support their IN SECURITY brought on by such irrational, arrogance initiating this toxic unhealthy violent domination of his fellow man.

Thats all folks Back to the Pond for me
Love and Blessings to all phDuck

Sunday, 2 September 2007


Sustaining loving community relations with compassion, balance and understanding within the rugby league fraternity seems to have taken on a new attitude since Andrew Johns has taken the outstanding action to expose himself and his family to the years of heart ache, worry and distress of being a first class champion sports identity. This pressure has placed enormous strain upon this mere mortal Andrew Johns at an incredible cost.
There are very few in Australia who would not recognise Andrew Johns from his high profile sporting prowess,and larrikin like cheeky brilliance. He is unquestionably already a legend in his own time. Therefore the community and individually we have own deep sense of disappointment at Andrews amazing misfortune of feeling he needed extra stimulation to keep the "Black Dog" of depression at bay.
Andrew simply has never felt good enough since he was a wee small child trying to emulate the antics of his big brother and famous already Dad.

Let us all accept our share of this responsibility of recognising just how much pressure our expectations thrust upon those champions be they Cathy Freeman, Ian Thorpe, Andrew Johns, or Shane Warne, Michael Hutchins,David Page, Elvis Presley or the hundreds of unknown aboriginals who have committed suicide or fallen to the bottom of their personal worlds.

When the rest of us allow our compassionate consciousness to actually open up to these super stars and take the time to ask What happened? Why was success never enough" Why did they need more?

Then we maybe able to begin to understand that champions become such because they are driven by some insatiable desire seeking inner nourishment for seemingly heightened senses which to these particular group of high achievers is simply unavailable in day to day living.

It is at this place now created by Andrew Johns by once more running between the posts and placing the ball firmly back in the National Rugby Leagues lap that we believe Andrew will score his greatest achievement and advance his reputation as a champion and take the off field lead to recovery for literally thousands of traumatised Young boys who will be lifted to greater heights by Andrew's courageous revelation.