At the same time Dick Smith and his son in law were intending to develop an Eco tourism lodge at Crescent Bay near Port Arthur and in some peculiar quirk of fate the development has been scuttled by powers that be bringing into doubt and generating conflict which may see this opportunity for a very sensible sustainable development lost to the region even though there was substantial initial support for the project.
So society become divided and very confused as they wonder just how in the name of sustainability could the encumbered Federal Minister for water and the environment even consider approving the monstrous destructive polluting mill in which this former merchant banker who seems influenced by a highly suspicious State Government its premier and the minister's banking friends are prepared to finance the mill for the glory of this totally insensitive logging company Gunns which holds its people in a hypnotic short narrow sighted "trance of employment" for the immediate fix of a "jack pot snort" because that is the easiest way to strip the people, keep them under control, "remember divide and rule." and tax them till they have spent their wages.
Adoption of power to rule:
Divide and rule:
This is the crux and pin point at the very lack of morality and ethics which continue to be eroded daily, tolerated for misdirection by the deliberate manipulation of "immature boy power" by the unfaced heads, those accountable financial dominating powers behind and propelling this corporate ignorance where so many incredibly important matters are being over ridden simultaneously as the electorate are being deliberately divided in a sinister attempt to hold power by these urchin faced gentlemen fools of commerce, smirking in their suits. "Suits" who believe their achievement of wealth makes them worthy of their self appointed right to rule all men by the hand of finance, guns,and licenced bombs of alcohol, drugs and gambling. Let these dark room practices be bought into the light to wash off these stains of debilitating laziness which society has become unwittingly dependent upon in a false belief that they were escaping from burdens of accumulated social trauma.
Dinkum Aussies like Dick Smith Paul Harrigan and their kind who know and unashamedly show that it does not make them worthy or grant them rights to ignore the overall sensitivity of mankind just because they can make their fortunes without consciousness, in total disregard to organic, natural, social sustainability from the luck of ill gotten gains by them playing tricky steps, dummies, shoves and passes of banking, uranium, gold, mining, alcohol, poker machines, lotto, or trading in agriculture commodities at the expense of the land, the nations children, its people and its elders.

Here is a model for sustainable being presented by Peter Holmes a Court and Russell Crowe in their drive to expose one of the most wicked and destructive tools of social demise in poker machine, the support for these scientific gadgets of human emotional illusion are as evil and short sighted as those who support such self benefiting rewards as uranium sales and wood chips or ignore global warming.
We all need to be mindful to the sensitivity of the earth and ourselves as mankind continues to expand in population and finding ways and means to sensitively live with and on this land in a complimentary manner, what appears to be cleared farm land could surely be converted back to a sensitive Eco tourist lodge with greater benefits than having the land constantly affected by questionable agricultural practices of its former use.
Relating Dick Smith's proposal to progress a sustainable development in this Port Arthur region to the social progression of a boy to manhood let us make an interesting analogical and comparable observation to sport and social behavioural development.
Now in this land of Australia and through out the world football, cricket and many sporting and entertaining events are promoted, funded and sponsored by big budget alcohol and finance promotion.

Mean time young sports champions, the "big gun star performing boys" fall prey under such erratically influenced social "break out" behaviour from the very stressful constraints of being heroes in the eye of the public because football or cricket is "what they do well" at that immature age before they become men.

Some boys simply never make manhood, at any age, even though they make their way into corporate heads and politics.

We leave you with Barry Humphries character of Sir Les Patterson as the perfect model closely followed by the magic of Matthew Johns' Reggie Reagan "bringing back the biff".

Simply because their sexuality is functional certainly does not serve as a right of passage to mature development and responsibility and the alter ego's of Sir Les and Reg sure do a great job of relating this grog dribbling scrotum rubbing character who is always ready for a bit of "slap and dribble"
Let this amazing Sir Les the repugnant and brilliant, character of Barry Humphries entertain you for a moment so we might link the champion to some cultural aspirations and personal inner contradiction with the sensitivities evoked by these artisans of theatre sports.
When all is said and done are we not all players in this game of life.
If we are able to see things from both sides then we are able to check if we are locked onto the mental image of a RABBIT OR A DUCK.

A Mat or a Reg or a Les or a Barry. Or a sustainable sensible development where we all may benefit from the challenge of change.
After all "if we change the way we look at things the things we look at change".
So lets all begin to "GO ABOUT" this change of attitude together with a sustainable and open mind attitude.
That's all Folks back to the pond.
Love and Blessings to all phDuck