Wonderful to see the Australian Prime Minister Mr Howard and other heads of state meeting with the Dalai Lama in Sydney. China's domination, slaughter and violence over the Tibetan people is disgraceful and deserves to be challenged so we thank the Australian Prime Minister and business community for clearing the visit for His Holiness purely in the interest of non-violence and International peace.
This way we open the pathways to expand trade with a clearer conscience.

And then this morning's fantastic gathering to fill the Domain in pretty rough, uninviting, inclement weather conditions was such a positive and warming and reassuring experience. Yes the Australian community is spiritual and His Holiness delivered a wonder filled simple, yet still challenging expression of One Earth matters which defy contradiction and must continue to contact any curious seeds of doubt in fundamental doctrine or total materialistic hedonism.
Materialism is good, especially a shower he told us, but endless materialism leads to greed. Heartfelt compassionate support for the poor was a loud clear message, and it was the place to experience God's love.
His Holiness freely replied that he did not known what the meaning of life was and he left us with no doubt that the future is open to us all to seek true contentment, fulfillment, happiness and joy, therefore the purpose of life is to be joyful and happy and this influences individual and community health with longevity, science he said has now shown that being angry and carrying hate is toxic to the body.
Long live the Dalai Lama we give thanks for the honour of being able to experience and be in the presence of this wonderful man, forever striving for and sharing love , compassion and understanding internationally.
That's it Folks Love one and other.
Blessings as always phduck
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