HakomiWay Integrated Body Sensitive Psychology and Psychotherapy
This blog is an attempt to be a vehicle of love and gratitude to assist expand, promote share and integrating the wonderful work of Hon Dr. Ron Kurtz, the primary founder and instigator of Hakomi psychotherapy. He has dedicated his life time of experience, generosity and curiosity as therapist and healer to develop and share his therapeutic skills, learning and now teaching through the fledgling expansion of dedicated teachers in the collective of advanced therapists in HakomiWay. With special thanks also to our Australian lecturer and master therapist Halko Weiss Phd for his wonderful Relationship Dis-Identification lectures and expansive inner psychotherapy explorations of the self.
Living Flame
A Symbolic Light of Nourishment Warmth Love Spiritual Interconnection
Now a middle aged spiritual man who seeks a simple honest non-violent world. An educated mindful world aware of all violent and abusive cutting edges of social and earthern neglect. Expanding into local, national , international, civil, physical, emotional and mental erosion which has been unconsciously driven in the hands and accounts of predorial competition through ignorance, neglect and or greed for over 2000 years.
Aquarius is the era to bring higher consciousness to the essential inner waters of humanity.