On Australian ABC TV April 16 2007 Difference of Opinion hosted by Geoff McCullen presented the wisdom, illuminating simplicity, compassionate and gentle, soft voiced understanding nature and manner of Patrick Dodson so desperately required yet so absent for modern world leaderst of mankind todays.
When American psychologist Abraham Maslow established his Hierarchy of Essential needs the overlooked assumption not written in flashing red white and blue neon or in other commanding tablets of stone of previous cults is that of life needing, basic shelter, food, sustenance the Physiological needs at Level 1.
LIFE needs to be free from Threat to feel safe at level 2.
Love and Belonging at Level 3.
Hierarchy of Essential Needs According To Abraham Maslow

In this story we are talking about HUMAN life.
Only Patrick in his awakened native wisdom understands this reality, the others of panel spoke about understanding but simply were limbically incapable to connect in relationship with him to experience his language. So then, to the well intended white feller, reconciliation talk remains talk. It is language that white society cannot understand because of a unconscious neurological cellular state ( a trance) carried within from our evolutionary self protective reptilian reflexors, freezing, stilling exposure, closing out, so not to be seen, then endlessly reinforced by multiple exposure to generations of war, hostility and fear accumulating closing in stimuli reinforced by dishonesty, neglect and violence
White ended reconciliation rationalism is comparable to well intended cosmic light shining as intellectual or sun light to be unintentionally shadowed by still dormant limbic receptors within the culture of the national psyche. This well intended light of consciousness is limbically filtered, polarised and obstructed in its passage to register emotionally and or physically within the body, and so , so we talk about things, but without real connection, without limbic activation the relationship remains separated, individually, collectively and nationally. Remaining divided not nourished and unruly, emotions remain disturbed, disconnected and return with increased determination for gratification. More violence is assured. Lock them up just associety we does with our unattended, denied personal worries.
Just as it may do in a one to one therapy session the result remains identical, cognitively registered but systemically shadowed from wholist connection so the disconnection remains.
The lines are still down.
Track work required for the therapist.
Lots of people attend very expensive therapy and talk about things, unfortunately they seldom get valued for their courage, or their effort, simply because the therapist does not have the skills required to actually contact the human within the story.
Patrick Dodson knows the essence of this reality and so too does the cartoonist Warren Brown, who brilliantly bridges the connection visually stimulating our unconsciously activated "behavioural drug" of laughing to dampen the shame of our own discomfort.
Pat Dodson: is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia and founder and chair of the Lingiari Foundation. He advises government, industry and community groups through the Kimberley and is involved in the preservation and enhancement of Indigenous rights and culture.
Born in 1948, Patrick Dodson became Australia's first ordained Aboriginal Catholic priest, trying to balance and blend Catholicism and Aboriginal spiritual belief. This led him into conflict with the ecclesiastical hierarchy and, after many years of confrontation, he finally left the priesthood. Finding ways to bridge Aboriginal and European-Australian cultures also motivated Dodson's subsequent involvement in indigenous land rights, the Reconciliation movement and his work as a commissioner on the Inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
"I think we're in some serious difficulties in this country. I know that we're faced with global problems of terrorism and other things, but I also see human rights of individuals being sadly violated. I see a creeping mentality of fear coming into our society, a closure, introspection, a lack of tolerance towards others of difference whatever religion they might be or whatever colour their skin might happen to appear."
"And certainly in ideas, in the world of ideas and the world of thought, I see too much fear in the public sector, the public servants who look over their shoulders at every point as to where they're going or not going. "
"I don't think augers well for a country that's been based on freedom, based on a sense of fair go, based on a sense of mateship. If those things are to mean something then Australians have got to stand up and make sure that they in fact transpire in the way we go about our business, and the way we deal with each other. And that's not happening.
In fact, we seem to be retreating back into our own neck of the wood where an elite group of people will decide what it is we can enjoy and what we can't enjoy."
During an ABC radio interview about the book Paddy's Road Pat had this to say.
"Because it's about the lives of other human beings, whomever they are. And I believe strongly in the fact that when you diminish the dignity and the rights of any human being, we are all diminished as a consequence of that. And that's what affects me, is that I do not like to live in a country where I see the rights of human beings who are different to me, whom I don't necessarily agree with, and I wouldn't be motivated by the same things that they're motivated by, but I believe that they have rights and they ought to be upheld."
Perhaps the wisest and most poetic words are spoken by Dodson's respected and influential grandfather, Paddy Djiagween. In one of the many troubled moments of Pat Dodson's life, his grandfather said to him:
"The sun rises, wind blows, grass grows, the tide comes and goes.
No one can ever take your land."
When Paddy Djiagween died, at the presumed age of 111, Patrick Dodson and his family had those words carved on his tombstone.
Paddy's Road: Life Stories of Patrick Dodson, by Kevin Keeffe (Aboriginal Studies Press) AAP © 2003 West Australian Newspapers Limited All Rights Reserved.
Thats all for now folks,
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