Friday, 27 April 2007

Judge anger at Ritalin kids


A NSW judge has slammed doctors for creating a generation of Ritalin kids now committing violent crimes and coming before the courts.
By Janet Fife-Yeomans
April 26, 2007 12:00
More Slammed: Judge condemns ADHD explosion

As a Hakomi psychotherapist I am constantly working with young psychologically branded adult neglected and under developed as children of generation 'X' identified by Judge Conlon.
We see the diagnosis parallel with a distinct shift from the general hands on healing of medical practitioner of the 'black bag' vintage to the modern emotionally detached neo cortical intelligence package functioning as readers of technology and pharmacology, virtually disassociated from any personal awareness of the essential limbic connection necessary to radiate connection from body to the neocortical brain.

This limbic cellular film of consciousness must be delicately exposed to the light and intensity of radiated emotion from conception and at least until the child reaches seven years of age to avoid overexposure, flaring, and scarring of that emotionally sensitive film.
So true, transference of this generational scarring is readily identified across the socio economic sector where parents may already be of the 2nd or 3rd mal functioning generation.

Child hood trauma, emotional neglect, separation and exposure to violence lie beneath this genuine wildness of children, limbic awareness, love, care and sincere nurture and patience is the preferred and primary missing ingredient for healing and recovery and herein lies the work of Hakomi psychotherapy.
Consequentially we witness mental (stress) illness presenting as anxiety, depression, anger, and relationship conflict with emotional break down, gambling, alcoholism, compulsive consumption, fraud, general violence, abuse, petty crime.
Post Details:
Rod McClure JP Psychotherapist Bondi Junction Counselling Service.
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Thursday, 26 April 2007

Poisoned or Run Over then" ?


Welcome in or welcome back.

Today we tell about

  • Selling holes.

    Last evening I attended a meeting where the lecture said we needed to be much smarter about the way we think these days. For example he asked.

"If a customer comes into your store and wants to buy a drill what does he really want?

I was amazed when a rather hunched over, contracted shouldered, older man of some distinction sitting opposite me replied with one of those confident scoffs, "A hole".
The speed of his resoonse astonished me as earlier I had some what dismissed HIS intelligence whilst he professed virtues for uranium, suggesting that nothing in the world is ever safe. "Why you can walk out on Bondi Road and get hit by a Bondi bus" he said.

And that part of me that campaigns for a sustainable world replied. "Yes but you don't deliberately stand in front of a bus knowing it will run over you do you?"

So when selling holes came from his knowledge bank I wondered if our earlier conversation had in some way connected to his limbic self and he may have grave thoughts for his future about the holes in the earth that his generation of people are prepared to drill to store the sewerage from wealth gleaned from this era of mindless consumption and apathy to fumigate and threaten future generations for eons.

When one ponders the curiosity of "selling holes" we recognise the similarity to sinking thoughts I reckon. My ancestors we dam sinkers, and we sink a bore too.

However sinking feelings is all I get when I hear people who cannot see the Duck when they are blinded by the rabbit of their illusionary thinking.

If we change the way we look at things the things we look at change.

However if man chooses to work lots little will happen

If we decide to work little lots will hppen

But us Ducks well we can

Fly, Float, Dive.

Come Float like a Duck

Check the Duck to read about the medical, physiological and psychological benefits of floating.

Thar's it for another story folks, come back soon and see what Ponders next from the duck.

Love and Blessings as always,

Back soon,

Pondering Duck

Gather Snow Flakes


Welcome in or

Welcome Back, 'tis good to know your here.

Here is a note I wrote to a great young man who is just arriving into man hood in his 37 year just coming into manhood.

‘Twas good having that nice yarn with you the other days and to hear your hospital story and known that the Duck and the Rabbit of illusion are coming to an easier mind for you as you are exposed to the disassociated medicos of the medical world. This is just great for you, once on this journey you will never look back as you become more confident and able to recognise the dysfunctional, systems and habits in your self and in the world’s present day events and mindless trances.
I continue on with my Blogging in the hope that it will become active soon and begin to pick up some self perpetuating energy as our network expands and visitors begin to pick up the site and hopefully refer others to have a read.

I imagine this process symbolically as molecules of steam condensing to water then forming crystals of ice to become a snow flake and then the flake joining with millions of other crystallised flakes to cover a handkerchief and then the font lawn and then the Neighbourhood and eventually right over the city and from the surrounding mountains and down along the plains.
It’s a good dream for me, and like the water molecule I had no idea that it was eventually to become a snow flake as it rose as steam from the sea water some months before it gathered in the same way as it is now to form a cloud.
Milk comes in cartons and plastic bottles , but we think it comes from cows, crisps from potatoes, and love from the heart which is equivalent to the barcode reader to report to our brain and body the necessary condition the body needs to be prepared for the experienced sensation.
Unfortunately our present prime minister is lame, breaking down with age, he walks with a distinct limp and needs his hearing supported which is evident from his mono tonal voice, characteristic of people with hearing defects.
He has done a very good job for a man so lame and now he should rest in peace.
Here is a link to my blog site, you are invited to post coments in fact I am asking you to do so, and distribute the site with your fellows if you so choose.

I look forward to your and their comments too on these and future posts. You or they may not necessarily agree with the views or expressions on the blog and that is fine, whilst my intention is to 1. Seek new clients for ourMassage and Flotation Centre. 2. Attract clients for our Counselling Service 3. Link the Centre generally for Gift services for people overseas who have friends in Sydney they would like to treat to a inexpensive and memorable gift.
Love and Blessings as always
Pondering Duck
Welcome in or welcome back

Not at all sure how this post will work out as I copied our web page and pasted it here in the blog of Australian Psychotherapy and Counselling.

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Childrens Peace Poem


Inspiration of the Day
from Daily Good

Ten years ago every school around the world was invited to submit two lines of poetry about peace to the United Nations. Once collected, the lines were collated together into one long Peace Poem. Poems came in from 38 countries around the world.
Says Kofi Annan in his preface, "In their wisdom, the children whose intermingled voices gave birth to the Peace Poem know that peace is far more than the absence of war.
Children know that peace comes from the heart; it lives in the way we see others; it survives in the respect we show our neighbors every day.
" In today's world as we struggle collectively to bring an end to violence and suffering, that understanding of peace is as crucial as ever.
Check out the Peace Poem by the children of the world.
When we hear, see and listen to the children and brilliant sensitive younger generations I am encouraged knowing that they have the capacity to break through to new levels of previously unimaginable dimensions of conscious to former generations, I sense we are in a period of intense international evolutionary transformation as a species.
A evolutionary awakening is dawning.
Love and Blessings all

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

What Hats Under Mats

Gidday Mate,
Welcome In
"Where's ya'at?"
"Been up to much?"
"Notta Lot"

Have you ever taken up some of your time to notice how politicians still do not get the message from the ancient myth of "The emperors New Clothes"

So the youth of Australia have joined with networks across the world and we are right in this moment witnessing an international transference of power from the old and now collapsed materialistic system of finances to a YET TO BE DELIVERED form of energy exchange as we continue to "GO ABOUT" in this ocean of colliding violent hypocrisy of former managers.

Snowy Scheme out of water

From todays Daily Telegraph in Sydney

An article By Nicolette Burke
April 23, 2007 12:00
THE nation's greatest engineering feat, the Snowy Hydro power scheme, could suspend its operations within weeks because of severe water shortages.
A tally by the company of its current water store found it is in its worst state since construction ended in 1973.
Internal company predictions suggest water levels in Lake Jindabyne would be too low to operate the hydro-electricity turbines by mid to late May.
The second water source – at Lake Eucumbene – is likely to hit the minimum operating threshold by late July or early August.
A statement by the company said 10 years of drought had slowly diminished stores. The big dry has lasted longer than the region's previous worst, from 1936 to 1946.
"Water flows are only around 30 per cent of the long-term average. Water flows during the last 11 months were significantly below the previous lowest-ever minimums – minimums recorded over 101 years – and were worse than could have been anticipated," the statement read.
Total water storage for the scheme is at 10 per cent – and operations could be suspended if storage reaches 9 per cent.
Snowy Hydro spokesman Paul Johnson said he was unable to comment on future operations because "we cannot accurately predict rainfalls".
But the company's own report states there is "no forecast improvement to water inflows in the foreseeable future."
A reduction of power in the supply grid could force the National Electricity Market Management Company to seek alternate power sources for the state's south and the ACT.
Power generated across Australia is traded between the states to enable a constant supply of electricity.
If generation at the Snowy Hydro was reduced long term it could result in higher electricity costs for residents.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister John Howard has foreshadowed extra funding for farmers in next month's Budget as properties along the Murray-Darling river system face a suspension of water allocations.

Clever man you are Prime Minister, how do you suspend irrigation allocation when the Darling is bed dry as this photo from Wilcannia shows.

He said he would meet with farming groups and irrigators to determine what additional assistance the Federal Government can provide.
If significant rainfall is not achieved in the next six to eight weeks, thousands of farmers face being unable to pump water from the once-mighty river system to crops and livestock.
"I really do feel for them and it's an awful thing to have to say as prime minister that we may not be making any water allocations at all for irrigation," he said. "I wouldn't want any of them to think they're going to be left alone."
Opposition water spokesman Anthony Albanese said Mr Howard had contributed to the current crisis through 11 years of "inaction and complacency" on climate change.

And there is the Clarence River,22049,21600837-5001021,00.html

Well what can you say when a Prime Minister decides to close his eyes or refuse to open them to such massive issues as these.

Beats me I just thank my luck stars we can still Float like Ducks do, look into this for yourself.

Then if you introduce a new client to us we offer you a 25% discount on your next float, for each and every new client you or they bring to us with a dated reference to this blog site for the next 3 months commencing 24.04.07. If we aren't "swamped" by then we might even consider extending the offer.

Here is the link to our floating information
Enjoy and thanks for coming.
I'll post again very soon.

Love and Blessings to all
Pondering Duck



Tuesday, 24 April 2007

For Love of Global Warming

Enlarge this Picture
Have you ever seen a storm like this in NSW
"Trevallyn" Wilcannia NSW Jan 01. 07
Or the Darling River like this at "Trevallyn" Wilcannia Feb 07

I was born in Broken Hill in 1950 and spent the 40 years living from and working with the land most of those years were in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area around Griffith. This district of reclaimed station holdings was established for intensive irrigation farming by soldier settlers from what we once referred to as the First and Second world wars.
Many of our family and respective interrelated families served in those wars to supposedly defend this nation and her allies. As we approach ANZAC day once more I wonder if those men and women knew then what we see today if they would have risked their lives for the land and her people with the treatment their children are receiving from a federal government, leaving the settlers once more in capacious hands of bankers and corporates as fallen prey of the drought.
Our Great Grand parents are buried at Milparinka in the corner country of far western NSW. So there are many relatives still living across that long stretch of Darling River country and the adjoining plains and district communities.
Over the recorded history of the past 4 generations of our family covering all of the last century there have been very dry years, but no drought has ever been experienced by our family like this drought before us today.

So I was disgusted last night to hear the Australian Prime Minister claiming that the issue of climate change and global warming was of secondary importance to the state of the economy.

Good bye Mr Howard, your government is dissociated from your own limbic mind you have totally disconnected, totally desensitised, incapable of experiencing emotion, no longer capable of recognising your own thirst as you grapple at the mirage of your own reflection in the shimmering heat of this global reality.
It is now patently obvious that you prefer the reflected delusion of this shimmering reflection from the "Golden Calf" of commerce.
Hello Mr Howard, there are people involved here, we are human beings, we are people Mr Howard we are are people with emotionally connected feelings.

Mr Howard, before you leave take one last look at these photos from Wilcannia if you will and tell us these acts of nature are not significantly impacted by the suction of mans systemic greed and ignorance upon this earth.

Good Bye, good bye.
Love and Blessings to all
Pondering Duck
Click phDuck now for a Massage before the drought gets him too.

"Get On Side"

Stairs from the Sky
"Our Forgotten One WithIn"

Being Sunday I decided it could be our turn to make a call via our Blog to say “Gidday you Blokes” hope you are doing ok and life since Halko Weiss and Hakomi is treating you with renewed self love and compassion for all your wisdom.
For me the biggest and primary exercise of my life is to remain mindful in every moment, such a statement is easy to say, write, think about and should just naturally happen, however the psychologically adopted trance, unconsciously acquired through self indoctrination, of the first 54.5 years of my life and the rest of mans evolutionary rise, just repeatedly think they have the right to rule over me forever. Until the real forgotten me “the referee within” sends in a big wake up call to “get on side” with the rest of my team.
I was give one of these very timely wake up whistles yesterday when my mindfulness gave way to Newton’s gravitational laws of the universe. My feet, in a split second appeared above my head as I slipped and bounced down about 12 of our 17 stairs. I think I stepped on the first, then skied over the 2nd and 3rd, as I gained pace I seemed momentarily to be getting further off into the air. Well that was until the left side of my torso collided in an insane attempt to “paper, rock, scissors’ the fine Terrazzo stairs case, from then on it was moguls, stairs and stars with a moment of overwhelming darkness. Fortunately I did not hit my head as the observer rode this off the rails, real life, Ghost train till it stopped.
Simply amazing just how fast my life of self condemnation flashed past in a really overloaded moment of genuine shock and terror. Initially, an emotional and bodily ‘tsunami’, fear, terror, loss, guilt shame, shock, searching my body for correction, balance, order, the exact loci of the overwhelm sensation, virtually asking had I been shot? What is happening to me? So extreme was the sensual accumulation it was beyond cognitive management or explanation, a formerly unlisted entry joining limbic awareness library.
In one moment a flush of intense embarrassment signaled in. Panic, So immediately I looked around to see if I had been seen. Shame, popped in with that too, to see who might be laughing at my stupidity.
“How stupid and clumsy are you?” (Talk about conditioning. That ruling critical voice of Composure/Control called “Get your self together, prepare for the next attack.” Re-Load that magazine”, “Back in line” “In the queue mate”)
Now stunned but aware that I was alive and could move as all life’s falls, tackles, failures and missed tackles flooded back to high vision, in this moment. Every cell of my body was being given a new opportunity to release 56 years of pent up retained abuse and pain. So very carefully I realigned my stair spread body to a sitting position to check my self out. Could I breathe through the pain? Recognise the tension? Let it go?
“Yes, let it go, keep breathing, and breathing, gradually I was able to reset my systems to a cope able body tremor externally observable from my shaking hands.
Carol, had heard and sensed fear within from the dull thud of this Duck landing out of water. She ventured to the landing to check her intuitive sense experienced from the strange sound to find me slumped over in my recovery position 15 stairs below. Immediately she was triggered to disassociated shock, her own over whelm kicked in, by her adopting immediate responsibility with self blame for my fall because earlier she had wash the stairs and my fancy Crocs “slip on” shoes have been so favoured they are now treadles slicks and slip on they certainly do, too well.
So then barefooted Carol arrives mortally tearful, apologizing profusely to me because in her mind she claims “It is all her fault because she did not think to tell me that the stairs might still be wet “. She sits holding me, reassuring me, whilst we both now settle and recognise the rapidly evoked moment.
Complete and totally distanced from the reality that I fell down the stairs simply because I was not mindful of the very moment beneath my feet, so preoccupied with guilt, shame, humiliation and embarrassment as I rushed to shift my car from the Chemists reserved parking spot where I had parked over night. (See the photo, symbolically my 'old' part was out through the gate, whilst Little me, the forgotten one, was left to battle the stairs)
After some convincing on my part, Carol permitted me to take a walk to see what was working and what was not, I returned after a few minutes ready to report the most painful regions, from hands, elbows, shoulders, ribs, hips, shins, ankles. Interestingly ego was happy to surrender. She then laid me flat on the floor and proceeded to virtually embalm me with ice packs and commanded I remain in that state until the systems settled.
Quite a therapy session has proceeded to evolve from this experience, after some 40 minutes my resistance did “chill” and amazingly my systems slowed enough for me to drop off to sleep. Then after a night in bed I report extensive bruising, incredible dreams of lost consciousness, mania, falling depression, and reconnecting with old friends who, for now seemed to have back down in surrendered relationships.
Yeah, I certainly loosened up a few cells in that there slippery “Ghost Ride”.
Here is a beautiful illustration of how we maybe influenced in our life.
As a Hakomi therapist I am more aware of the cyclical and symbolic values of these lessons. These exaggerated momentous experiences give volume to more subtle and delicate experiences to support and assist us to fully open and integrate the forgotten wisdom once more awakened in us by Hakomi/Halko Weiss training, therapy, especially so, the deepening of our personal relationship with our self generally lost, forgotten one within awaiting release.
Keep well, Love and Laugh,
Roll with nature and be your love able self.

Halko Weiss PhD


Welcome In or Welcome Back,

CSIRO POD CASTS for what they may be worth when one queries who the organisation is working for and who benefits and who pays their way?

The following article certainly needs exposure to the insanity of these CSIRO CEO side kicks acting as minders for corporate mobsters, they are hardly parading as friends of the people, more like touts for politicians and profiteers it seems in light of recent international opinion of Climate Change . Apparently the weather never changes for John Howard, maybe we need to do a poll on the weather, we might get 52% Rudd rein or 39% How ard rein, but still no rain in the limbic catchment.
Here they go admitting in one hand and chopping with the other, rather disturbing and pretty clever "spin" to keep their jobs maybe.

Then considering the genetic modification, with claimed plant variety rights, leading out to genetic property and intellectual rights we find the corporate coloniser's exposed on their rafts of destruction as the begin to take over other companies, competing for the spoils. Pirates of capitalism, riding a desolate human sea of emotional destruction where children blow away class mates and presidents bomb children in their beds.
Check in to the genetic disturbance of our lymphatic system.
Discover reasons why our society is in emotional, spiritual and mental decline. Ever denied by lying governments 'tampa'ing with the truth.

Emotional, compassionate, hands on loving contact, that cure all "kiss from Mother" never came out of a bottle, if it did, children we wary about that too.
For me the child is born with potential brilliance to be carefully nurtured individually.
If you are happy, totally content and smiling keep your head in the sand and continue consuming that way until the sand becomes dark and powdery as it will if John Howard and his Drought riding minister for the environment drum up international uranium sales whilst they gloat over resource depletion and coal dust with their corporate stake holders across the world, in so doing they too ensure more death and disease for fellow heartless merchants of credit blinded by their 3 minute sands of their time.

One of Australia's top organic farming experts, Dr Maarten Stapper, has been dumped by the CSIRO, amid allegations he was bullied by executive management for criticising genetically modified crops.
The chief of CSIRO's Plant Industry division, Dr Jeremy Burdon, confirmed Dr Stapper had recently filed complaints alleging instances of bullying and harassment but these had been " appropriately dealt with and dismissed".
Dr Stapper is researching carbon loss in soils, restoring soil fertility by improving soil microbiology and use of biological farming methods to improve wheat yields in south-western NSW. He has been retrenched from CSIRO Plant Industry in Canberra and will leave at the end of the month.
CSIRO sources say Dr Stapper, a farming systems agronomist and popular public speaker on soil biology and health, was "carpeted" by management after he was overheard explaining criticisms of some aspects of GM crops while mingling with audience members after a public forum.
They claim he received an official warning after the incident, but had argued he was entitled to express his views as a private citizen as long as he made the clear distinction they were his opinions and not those of the organisation.
Dr Burdon said he was unaware of any ill-treatment or antagonism towards Dr Stapper, and "as far as I'm aware he was not censured for commenting on GM during the 312 years I have been chief of plant industry".
In emails obtained by The Canberra Times, Dr Stapper wrote to a colleague that he had been "isolated" by CSIRO management and there was no support for his area of research. "The doctrine goes that genes will solve all the problems and CSIRO gets patents and payments from corporations etc through so-called sound science," he wrote. "It's difficult for me to work in the Commercial Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. However, I persist as I am working for the taxpayer and I have a lot of support outside."
Dr Stapper worked as an agronomist in Canada, the US and Iraq before joining CSIRO as a principal research scientist. He developed new irrigation scheduling programs and methods of calculating nitrogen in the soil before switching his focus to soil biology and health.
In a brief biographical statement on a conference website, Dr Stapper says working in irrigated wheat paddocks made him aware " most problems start with the soil, and thus solutions should commence there".
He argued that the use of "fertilisers, pesticides and other synthetic chemicals to address problems in agricultural production has been leading to poor soil health and resistance in insects, diseases and weeds".
Dr Burdon said CSIRO had a large national team working on sustainable agriculture issues such as integrated farm management systems but Dr Stapper's research had been " more at the organic end". He confirmed that Dr Stapper was the only CSIRO scientist working on organic and biological farming systems and the research program would end when he left.
Asked about further research on increasing carbon uptake of soils, Dr Burdon replied, "We won't be doing any more of that."
He said CSIRO did not consider biological and organic farming to be "a long-term viable strategy" and Dr Stapper's research was "not an area the division feels it can support any more".
Opposition primary industries spokesman Senator Kerry O'Brien said Australia's farmers could not afford to lose such valuable scientific expertise and dumping Dr Stapper's research showed "particularly poor planning" by CSIRO.
Australian Democrats leader Senator Lyn Allison described Dr Stapper's retrenchment as "an extraordinary loss of expertise on a critical greenhouse issue".
Senator Allison raised questions about CSIRO's continuing support for Dr Stapper's research at last month's Senate Estimates committee hearing, but was told by CSIRO representatives that they were unaware of any research being conducted on organic or biological farming systems within the organisation.
Source: The Canberra Times, ACT

How sad all this abuse because we fail to maintain a mindful attitude to the energy we consume?
Here from the US more stories of integrated living organisms being destroyed by power generating corporates.
So it goes on

Here is yet another example of "Those without eyes to see or ears to hear" because they are limbically and emotionally disconnected from the health of humanity and our sustaining earth.
So for now, right now, if you feel that aching need for some love and contact and you are in OR COMING TO SYDNEY do come into or contact us in our Centre, we love to see people nourished and free of their burden.
Click on our Centre with a heart within and your pulse will travelto our web site

email contact or

Community Growth

I found a Green peace Canada
article about GM corn being dumped at the Liberal Parties Office in Montreal this immediately prompted fond memories of protests driven from Canowindra many years ago when a load of wheat was dropped on our Prime Ministers door step in Canberra.
I looked to the net for Canowindra and found your article by Gillian Lord and the sad reality of children being led astray because our society has lost contact with our systemic limbic development. This reality actually happened many, many years ago, unfortunately systemically left unattended as the model of protest with grain dumping is intended to parallel.
Through your community news letter may I follow the ADHD article and with sincere loving intention offer here a constructive recommendation to one of the most advanced modern books of human development titled A General Theory of Love, researched and written by a trio of Psychiatrists Lewis, Amini, and Lannon, who are leading the way back across the great chasm necessary for healing, created when the medical world lost human touch with their patients and began to rely solely on technology and pharmacology to regenerate health.
Expanding this erroneous practice into totally emotionless mass corporate health absolutely disconnects from human reality. There driven by chill, material heartless colonisers sacrifice all for their adopted belief in self righteous plunder.
Brought to light here by Gillian Ford, it is ruly wonderful to see community news carrying such inflammatory and stimulating articles for attention.
Unfortunately politics cannot see, hear or react compassionately, as the grain dumps continue to demonstrate.
This proves politicians do remain fearfully gripped, "sucked in" by and attached to disconnected unconscious corporate reptilian minded power.
I leave you thinking this may be all rather “Corney” or asking what has “Wheat” got to do with our daily bread?
Hopefully you do have the “ears to hear and the eyes to see” to become sufficiently curious and encouraged to read the book “A General Theory of Love", it is so refreshing and revealing.
Blessings and health to all
Rod McClure JP
Bondi Sydney.

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Coming Health Information Lectures

Dear Colleagues,

The Social Policy Research Centre has a number of events coming up in May which we would like to invite you to:

Tuesday 8 May, 1-2pm

Title: Governance, sustainability and funding of non-government organisations in a neo-liberal worldPresenters: Dr Catherine Spooner and Dr Ann Dadich (Social Policy Research Centre (UNSW)
Tuesday 15 May, 1-2pm

Title: Policy-making on illicit drugs: some challenges and new approachesPresenter: Associate Professor Alison Ritter (Drug Policy Modelling Program, Director, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre)
Tuesday 22 May, 1-2pm

Title: Taking Aboriginal health and welfare seriouslyPresenter: Robert Griew (Formerly Chief Executive Officer, Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services)
Tuesday 29 May, 1-2pmTitle: Aboriginal Land Rights in NSW - from assimilation to self-determinationPresenter: Heidi Norman (Visiting Fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre)
For further details about our seminars please see our website: .

Please RSVP to Megan Griffiths on (02) 9385 7817 or (

Also a reminder that registrations have now opened for Australian Social Policy Conference, 11-13 July 2007. Please see our website if you would like to register:


Megan GriffithsResearch OfficerSocial Policy Research CentreUniversity of New South WalesSydney NSW 2052

Phone: 61-2-9385 7817Fax : 61-2-9385 7838

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Never be de'feeted

Seed is born with germ of life
Stamen Ovum all the same

Mother nature rules this game.
Girl child born, maiden soon
Grows with nature menses to moon
Virgin, Lover, Mother, Crone. Life of Mother, nature known.
Boy born of Father's stone
Remains rock all alone.
Within this rock Eros the God of lovers left Egg of spirit his ‘inner bride’
This egg is man's seed of self
Light of moon’s love awakens his seed.
Revealed to man as carnal lust, anger, ego, fear, control, greed.
Once Awake he is reborn
His new life begins.
As Michael slays the mythic dragon stones
eRos returns Within
Eros the Rose

I wrote this in 1992 as a prayer from meditation as I awoke within my own cells to the recognition of the Kundalini within my system rising as fire from confusion and fear to the new bodily sensation generated from mixed base emotions.
From here I battled my way back after major fall from grace to discover and process loss, grief, anger, loneliness , shame, pity, desperation and desire all waiting to engulf me in that moment as I craved for love, safe contact, appreciation and recognition, so hungry.
As low as an abandoned displaced foundling or unwanted ones.
Welcome to our Counselling Centre, we do understand tough times and know well the passing of heart ache.
Click on the wise woman and little girl, and discover a way to fill your glass.
Love and Blessings Rod

Patrick's Whiskers with a dash of Hakomi Reconciliation

Pat Dodson

On Australian ABC TV April 16 2007 Difference of Opinion hosted by Geoff McCullen presented the wisdom, illuminating simplicity, compassionate and gentle, soft voiced understanding nature and manner of Patrick Dodson so desperately required yet so absent for modern world leaderst of mankind todays.

When American psychologist Abraham Maslow established his Hierarchy of Essential needs the overlooked assumption not written in flashing red white and blue neon or in other commanding tablets of stone of previous cults is that of life needing, basic shelter, food, sustenance the Physiological needs at Level 1.
LIFE needs to be free from Threat to feel safe at level 2.

In this story we are talking about HUMAN life.

Only Patrick in his awakened native wisdom understands this reality, the others of panel spoke about understanding but simply were limbically incapable to connect in relationship with him to experience his language. So then, to the well intended white feller, reconciliation talk remains talk. It is language that white society cannot understand because of a unconscious neurological cellular state ( a trance) carried within from our evolutionary self protective reptilian reflexors, freezing, stilling exposure, closing out, so not to be seen, then endlessly reinforced by multiple exposure to generations of war, hostility and fear accumulating closing in stimuli reinforced by dishonesty, neglect and violence

White ended reconciliation rationalism is comparable to well intended cosmic light shining as intellectual or sun light to be unintentionally shadowed by still dormant limbic receptors within the culture of the national psyche. This well intended light of consciousness is limbically filtered, polarised and obstructed in its passage to register emotionally and or physically within the body, and so , so we talk about things, but without real connection, without limbic activation the relationship remains separated, individually, collectively and nationally. Remaining divided not nourished and unruly, emotions remain disturbed, disconnected and return with increased determination for gratification. More violence is assured. Lock them up just associety we does with our unattended, denied personal worries.

Just as it may do in a one to one therapy session the result remains identical, cognitively registered but systemically shadowed from wholist connection so the disconnection remains.

The lines are still down.

Track work required for the therapist.

Lots of people attend very expensive therapy and talk about things, unfortunately they seldom get valued for their courage, or their effort, simply because the therapist does not have the skills required to actually contact the human within the story.
Patrick Dodson knows the essence of this reality and so too does the cartoonist Warren Brown, who brilliantly bridges the connection visually stimulating our unconsciously activated "behavioural drug" of laughing to dampen the shame of our own discomfort.

Pat Dodson: is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia and founder and chair of the Lingiari Foundation. He advises government, industry and community groups through the Kimberley and is involved in the preservation and enhancement of Indigenous rights and culture.

Born in 1948, Patrick Dodson became Australia's first ordained Aboriginal Catholic priest, trying to balance and blend Catholicism and Aboriginal spiritual belief. This led him into conflict with the ecclesiastical hierarchy and, after many years of confrontation, he finally left the priesthood. Finding ways to bridge Aboriginal and European-Australian cultures also motivated Dodson's subsequent involvement in indigenous land rights, the Reconciliation movement and his work as a commissioner on the Inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
"I think we're in some serious difficulties in this country. I know that we're faced with global problems of terrorism and other things, but I also see human rights of individuals being sadly violated. I see a creeping mentality of fear coming into our society, a closure, introspection, a lack of tolerance towards others of difference whatever religion they might be or whatever colour their skin might happen to appear."

"And certainly in ideas, in the world of ideas and the world of thought, I see too much fear in the public sector, the public servants who look over their shoulders at every point as to where they're going or not going. "

"I don't think augers well for a country that's been based on freedom, based on a sense of fair go, based on a sense of mateship. If those things are to mean something then Australians have got to stand up and make sure that they in fact transpire in the way we go about our business, and the way we deal with each other. And that's not happening.

In fact, we seem to be retreating back into our own neck of the wood where an elite group of people will decide what it is we can enjoy and what we can't enjoy."
During an ABC radio interview about the book Paddy's Road Pat had this to say.

"Because it's about the lives of other human beings, whomever they are. And I believe strongly in the fact that when you diminish the dignity and the rights of any human being, we are all diminished as a consequence of that. And that's what affects me, is that I do not like to live in a country where I see the rights of human beings who are different to me, whom I don't necessarily agree with, and I wouldn't be motivated by the same things that they're motivated by, but I believe that they have rights and they ought to be upheld."

Perhaps the wisest and most poetic words are spoken by Dodson's respected and influential grandfather, Paddy Djiagween. In one of the many troubled moments of Pat Dodson's life, his grandfather said to him:
"The sun rises, wind blows, grass grows, the tide comes and goes.
No one can ever take your land."

When Paddy Djiagween died, at the presumed age of 111, Patrick Dodson and his family had those words carved on his tombstone.

Paddy's Road: Life Stories of Patrick Dodson, by Kevin Keeffe (Aboriginal Studies Press) AAP © 2003 West Australian Newspapers Limited All Rights Reserved.

Thats all for now folks,
Back soon
Check in to our Counselling site, send email or feel free to post here, this is an ongoing work and edits will be obvious.
Love and Blessings All

Monday, 16 April 2007

Daily Good -----helping to change our way

Welcome back, or just welcome if you are a first time visitor.
This site is a composite of my private and collected ideas hoping to encourage and support ethical change through out or world to reduce our individual demands and expectations so we may all feel that we are contributing to the change and assisting a total and sustainable universal recovery to peace with a new paradigm for personal achievement through individual recognition and endeavour.
Please feel free to contribute your comments and discuss matters if you feel inspired to support or challenge this process. Also visit our web site at
CRM 15.04.07

Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world.
--Etty Hillesum

Floating About In Sydney

"You're very welcome here."
(Hopi Indian asking "Who are you"?)
"Maybe its welcome back, we are very pleased you have returned".
To make us easier for you to find we offer a link for the next time you feel like an emotional top up or an occasional giggle for self in juicement, or making a comment yourself. We would be delighted to know you have visited and vow to respect your opinion within reasonable ethical views. You will gather that we are about non violence, peace, global consciousness, and as far as we know what we imagine to be the way nature would do its own healing if man's own resistance of indoctrination and domination would stand aside.


The slightly deeper message contained here in about settling the chemistry within our body. With that understanding we may be aware of how this individual ripple of appreciation may then pass on in ever expanding circles to cover the entire human race,
our earth, our universe.
Here from this point now we may see
We are not separate from each other but cells within cells.
So peace begins within our cells.
Within our selves.

Introducing pHDuck
At a Chemical Neutral pH of 7

In the

Stilled Waters
Heart- Body- Mind
We discovered at our Bondi Laughter Club
recently that the body does not know the difference from fake laughter to real laughter, endorphins and other stimulating hormones are released regardless.

Maybe this could help to explain why we laugh, rock and roll when we see people being embarrassed by their lack of mindfulness, as the rake hits them in the face or when they fall down their own stairs as I mentioned happening to me.

Yes, there is a lesson to be had in every mindful moment. Commercially recognised by supposedly "Funniest Home Videos" a program wittingly or un-wittingly tapping that emotional sensitivity within the psyche of many people.
Below is a link to a wonderful US site about Floating, managed by a passionate believer who has spent 20 years like us at the Bondi Junction Massage and Float Centre singing and promoting the incredible benefits of floating after personally discovering relief caused by debilitating and recurring sciatica and general emotional, mental and physical exhaustion in this wild down the stairs tangled system of mindless confusion.

Before I float off to my pondering may I enquire "How do you get down from an elephant"?

"Oh silly, You get down from a Duck, not an elephant!!!"
You just gotta Love a Happy Duck with a degree where pH = 7
Now here's a link to our webs site at Bondi Junction in Sydney, Australia with lots of info about
Floating, Massage, Reflexology, Osteopathy, Acupuncture
Gift Vouchers and of course

Duck in now and have a float around

Sunday, 15 April 2007


Dr. John Clarke works as a consultant to corporations experiencing problems with a suspected workplace psychopath: individuals who, for whatever reason, lack any kind of human empathy, who take pleasure in destroying the lives of the co-workers and employees, just because they can.Now he's released a book "Working with Monsters: How to identify and protect yourself from the workplace psychopath" How do you recognise these people, and what can you do to protect yourself from them?
To begin with try this checklist;·
They are manipulative, · They Bully co-workers, · Scheming, shallow parasitic- They steal other people's ideas, · Never go to meetings so they can blame others, · Have a grandiose sense of their own worth, · Lack remorse and guilt for their actions,· and have no conscience.What can you do about it? Listen to John Clarke and Richard Fidler to find out.
Listen here( Listen in RealMedia format ) Requires RealPlayer
Read a review of Working with Monsters.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Community Youth Health Support Groups.

Picking up from your Good Therapy
newsletter I write to let you known that I did attend the Seminar presented by Dr. Ann Dadich from SPRC at NSW Uni and for mine, thoroughly enjoyed her fairly direct, well presented, honest, factual, accurate précis and delivery of her research into Youth Community Health Groups.
A rather unfortunate seem to be that the intention of this greater group of people is being stifled by the very system it is attempting to heal and provide emotional expansion.
I believe had lost our way, lost our path, lost who we are meant to be, what we as a humanity really about, what we really need, essentially.
It seem to me that our society has become unconsciously choked by it's own fear driven indoctrination of caution and materialistic protectors.
This symbolically is a systemic replication to the rise of 21st century health complications and emotional dis-ease expanding into the physical area of the world, nation, community, general and individual health system overload and collapse.
As if our auto immune systems have become so overloaded protecting, guarding, defending, blocking from multifaceted attacks on our natural organic sprocesses, we now have arrived at a time and place where auto immune systems are defending themselves against the best intentions of fellow auto immune protectors, so we give rise to even newer and more difficult health imbalances of chronic fatigue, HIV, cancer etc.
Rather than having the blind leading the blind, we have the “Deaf-enders talking to the Deaf-enders” about defence, where every one believes they are being busy but not actually listening or being heard, appreciated or getting any where for which they are compelled to provide Clinical outcomes to justify their funding about which ever party pretend to be listening.
So it becomes over apparent for organisations then to pay "lip service" whilst knowing it is actually impossible to engage the individual or the situation and really provide lasting curative health whilst the real focus remains to be re-elected or refunded.
I am very interested in your proposal to work with High Schools and the students, in fact we have done just that when I was a member of the Nowra Technology High School’s Welfare Committee as a voluntary P&C representative.
That was a wonderful experience for me to appreciate the School Counselling System which indirectly helped my daughters enormously because the teacher constantly reassured me that my daughters were good students and caring fellow, with this reassurance I was able to support, love and encourage even more.
At their fare well dinner of my eldest daughter’s year, Mr. Gibson the principal said that “the students of that particular year had such commitment and support within themselves that they had positively influenced the entire mood and behaviour of the school as they passed through”.
I believe adamantly that, that influence was established by their primary school teacher who was with this group for 4 years prior to them entering high school and was such a wonderful loving woman and teacher that she had awakened the limbic brain of this pod of students in such a way that they simply influenced those who came in contact with them for life. In fact so connected was this woman relationship with her students that she contacted each and every one of them by phone in the days leading to their Higer School certificate exams. That is love and dedication.
This history is written and proven endlessly, however the “system” chooses to ignore this reality and our duplicating factories of education are taking the mind of our children further away from appropriate individual development as the system unwittingly prepare them to be a new generation of slaves for the mill of credit.
This is not education but rather cloning, a hived off system of starvation feeding for new drones.Other really decent people are drawn to under paid Welfare and education employment, to be immediately inundated with impossible case loads, or class sizes of already “Off the rails” people, who they are supposed to show Clinical performance funding justification.
These people are in general young, academically “Qualified” but life inexperienced graduates who relish the opportunity of gaining experience making mistakes with souls who are already damaged, so it “does not matter too much” if we do make mistakes, and they do before venturing off to higher paid commercial business as experienced psychological assessors.I spent 5 years working with the Wesley system and whilst they promote themselves as doing reasonable amounts of humane work, the whole turn out is based on the insecurity within the echelons of management who simply refuse to accept responsibility for exploiting and totally destroying the emotional, mental and physical health of staff overexposed at the work face, who become burnt out and discarded as spent film.
These organisations have been sucked into the material system so they have become politically sensitive themselves over grown and fund DEPENDENT on government hand outs for manager salaries. Hence they remain overrated and over promote their image to maintain a partnership with the primary perpetrator.S
taff are further,demoralised, constricted, silenced by neglect, humiliation, avoidance and emotional abandonment, they collapse, beaten.I simplify this large scale model as one of continuing duplicates to that of family abuse. However in this case we show the Government is the parent and the principal example setting abuser.
Whilst I have named Wesley Mission all of the other major welfare heavies including the Catholic Church and the Salvation army and all of the other Missions are of the same modus operandi.I am very interested in this entire process, however I AM ALSO CAUTIOUS as to society’s own ability to understand just how lost we have become as a civilised race such is the power and influence of the dominators of credit and their political slaves and servants including prime ministers, popes, muftis, reverends and priests.
I look forward and invite your further comments, developments and approach to this critical process, for mine I like the way and manner the 14th Dali Lama has gently moved the world, with still a long way to go, hasten slowly.
C.R.M. April 2007

"Now Here is your change"


Hakomi Founder Ron Kurtz

We invite some benevolent provider to come our way to allow us to give the benefits of Hakomi therapy to the universe. That may sound as if I am ungrateful because in so many ways my partner and life cycle co pilot is already that benevolent provider to whom I am very grateful. However for my own excited and hopefully insatiable obsessive nature is demanding I share this gospel. I know Love needs no quenching. I just cannot get enough hugging, sharing, spiritual connections and experiencing the absolute loving electrically stimulating cellular joy experienced as I also move, join and heal honouring the relationships we develop and the generosity of self in each client’s experience of self discovery.
Conditioned now to sit with the daily messages I hear, see or witness in some way or form, without the need to defend, protect or explain myself from perceived danger or attachments leaves me in such a humble, self empowering place to willingly give myself to this service.
Former apparitions and volumes of personal abuse and neglect neglect have taken new meaning. Damnation of nature, political “con-damnation” and abuse is now mindfully touching humanity, exposing the unconscious resistance to the old materialistic orders, formerly guilt binding adulterous and deceitful behaviors’ can be just what ever they are, a relief to see the resistance being experienced. Right now I feel is the opportunity we have ached and campaigned and slaved for through out our life, for me so many parts were over charged for too long, so now “now here is my change”.
Now exposed for exactly what it has been, unconsciously and systemically transmitted to the world as some gluttonous all devouring dis-ease, a compulsive disease driven of fearful, a global experience of some primal, insatiable, traumatised insecurity, manifesting as an unconscious withholding, temporarily lost human potential.
Every wound of our past over consumption is now before us, in some form of inconsideration, abuse of man and earth which has led the world to the fragile moments we are experiencing in this delicately balanced transition with diminishing resources, rising temperatures, expanding waters, drought, climate change, de-forestation, continued mining and now the latest politically inspired corporate muzzle to our temples threatening to expose humanity to 20,000+ years of concentrated toxic waste from the riches of the mines of the minds of the rich and the poor.
We have treated our earth in identical manner to the way we have treated ourselves, with neglect, before the Hakomi therapy experience, of course there is a need for further therapy, deepening self awareness, however I sense an initial limbic cellular awareness rising in humanity to the reality of sustainability of our collective universe consciousness along with the body of man and man the individual.
So this begs a closing question, must we die to be satisfied or would we prefer to forgive, understand, heal and play?
I recommend the latter for man to be kind to each other. Many many generations have rotely mumbled for our trespasses to be forgiven and for me, its happening right now.

Down load our brochure for appointments or further information about our
Bondi Junction Healing Centre or visit our web site.
Bondi Junction Counselling Brochure (PDF)

Friday, 13 April 2007

Psychopaths II

Google Earth gives us a wonderful "BIG PICTURE modelling opportunity to over view the damage of socio-psychopathic derangement at all levels, attitudes and altitudes.

As a micro organism of the macrocosm man disappears completely when observed from a distance. In identical but reversed manner man also disappears into the study of his intention as we narrow the focus through the lens of a specialist's microscope. Both observers whilst intently focused on their intention looses sight of overall connection of reality to their place and the now that is.

At this end of the spectrum we also discover the unconscious self absorbed abusers who have lost focus with their outer world, there in that place a bizarre belief deludes the mind to adopt some authoritarian attitude towards those, who the observer sees only through their intensely focused expert, perspective that they, the 'expert' are high and mighty are granted, worthy and deserving of some privilege of professional status with a right to abuse and neglect their immediate world and the people in that environment.

The classic example is to be heard in the dentists surgery's where bullet like, abrasive, barks at their nurse, with their sharp, process obsessed, cutting and direct jargon, to ram their package of amalgam into the vacated space of a decayed tooth. Let's not pass the doctors and other academic PhD's who treat nurses and staff in such manner, with a scorching torch manner unintentionally but never the less inducing endless burnout, staff turn over and moral decay until only the desensitised remain to mop the floors in numbed or desperate tollerance, totally disconnected from any emotional sensitivity, devoid of any sign or mention of healing, nourishing, or gentle nurturing, least of all positive supportive encouragement to promote caring sensitivity.

I see in 2007 that this dysfunctional 'expert' infection has permeated the international psyche through out. National health and welfare system have given way to systemic models of abuse by modern day cowboys with their boots on the table, willy nilly spraying around bombs of disconnected medication to be silenced or starved by band aids of federal funding, vote acquiring politics disguised as care and human welfare.

Mean time in their frenzy accumulating what ever they believe necessary in their insatiable personal pursuit to fill their emotional vacuum within their soul with flatters of ego's glitter and loads of worthless false gold and emblemed status.

Its time for us now to all give a hand and become mindful of those parts around our world who are holding us together as a civilisation, as communities, we are after all complex, composite, inter connected fragments of one cellular species integrally connected on this universal cycle briefly known to us as a life time of three score years and ten, not even a heart beat by the universal clock.

Rod Mc. April 13 2007