Quote of the Day
Progress in every age results only from the fact that there are some men and women who refuse to believe that what they know to be right cannot be done. --Russell W. Davenport
Good News of the Day
There are millions of citizens who refuse to succumb to what their more cynical neighbors call "reality," who insist with their lives that there has to be a better way -- and who day by day go about bringing it into being. What makes them tick? What enables them to see beneath the surface and work for the common good rather than simply for their own private welfare? What inspires people to act from their own sense of a larger integrity even when it means going contrary to the status quo? And how can these circles of compassion widen? Interviews with dozens of entrepreneurs, homemakers, youth workers, artists, community leaders, religious leaders, and others reveal some surprising patterns.
Be The Change
Deepen your capacity in one of the dimensions outlined in the article above.
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