Friday, 14 November 2008

Australian support shifting consciousness

In sharing our views and delight on the election of a wonderful clever African American President elect of the USA I wrote the following to a wonderful friend of ours Amber E L Gray.
“You go right on ahead and forward your resume to President elect Barack Obama himself personally, and please do let him know exactly what you have done for all those disenfranchised children of OUR world.”

As I wrote you previously I enjoyed Audacity of Hope Barack’s most recent autobiography. Really its nothing that you have not already done in your way and mine too.
We have known for ages that the health of the world was in perilous danger and because we are all One at the Centre and this is exactly where Barack is focusing his attention.

At the Centre of humanity, in the heart, not the head we immediately get the safe sense, he is one of us. “Love one and other as I have loved you”.
Barack is for real. Oprah Winfrey says on the book cover “I do believe he is the one”.

SO Go Girl, send that resume with papers, photos, DVD, and your natural loving intention.
Barack Obama’s task and the energy necessary to hold this sheet and the wheel to navigate through Hell and high water during the battering storm and tempest we are sailing into will require super human effort, love, support, tolerance, humility and dour statesman charismatic brilliance.

Simply by knowing the level of committed support available strengthens one’s resolve to bring our vessel of consciousness in this instance named “Confidence”, carrying mankind through to the birth of beautiful clear calm waters and a radiant healthy child of the people. Then and only then will there will be peace in the valley as only Elvis Presley could sing.

Greetings and congratulations from US in Australia

Please pass on our love and do tell President elect and his growing team that the majority of Australia sent you because you also are the real deal and you have our support.

One Breath of fresh air for mankind on step for the world

As you know already Amber E we are One Body we are not separate, we have been separated.
Now through your work we are again in touch with a supersensitive poly vagal the early warning system of pre-body conscious awareness which switches universal oxytocin on when we know things are safe consequently we sense a release of the neural fear and suppression previously infused by the over conscious dark Knights and Hell bound Devils of the realm.

Crossing of the Red Sea

As Moses crossed the Red sea in his exodus We also are heading for Heaven a promise land across the turbulent sea of consciousness and we will break through to a higher frequency, mankind will be released to be “born again” at the Pineal.

Now I’m back to the Pond for some more Counselling
Love Peace and Blessings to all

Thursday, 13 November 2008


We sincerely hope trust and pray the election of Senator Barack Obama will move the entire US (and Australian) consciousness back to one of civil decency which we know and too well understand has been corrupted by incessantly creeping avaricious greed for the past 50 years as man’s kindness was progressively overshadowed and eroded by inhumanity and social neglect, a natural socially addictive and seductive bi product of rampant predatorial capitalism surviving by gleaning unproductive “ticket punching” mark up profits.

From our mutual experience, pain and discomfort generated by our sincere resistance to this creeping systemic abuse, so brilliantly reflected and paralleled in this model within any out of control organisation such as HIH or ABC Learning, Or KBR Halliburton, and Enron where individuals and CEO’s abused their publically entrusted directorship to self serving indulgence. This is the left over confederate mentality of sheer arrogance.

When society’s leadership becomes so exposed we psychologically know we are certainly at a very dark threatening hour and it is from that darkness that the sun has rises. I believe this natural driving cyclical model is evidenced systemically from the micro nuclear quantum of physics to the eternity of time.

I also see Kevin Rudd as a rising sun following the darkest hours of the past leadership. With Rudd’s early morning sun shining and as the sensitive statesman he is being honest and gentle attempting to warn the people by radiating morning warmth as Christmas generosity from the cold night of the past narrow ideology, as he prepares his people for the blaring impact of the midday financial tsunami sure to send us all looking for cover, protection and shade as the intensity rises in the coming months and years into the new cycle

As has been said "that what comes around goes around."

Living statue of liberty

Under the leadership of our new regime with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the new glow from America’s living Statue of liberty President Barack Obama we have been offered the real deal.

Australia day 2009 will be more than a celebration of the first settlement of British citizens in Australia. Immediately following the US Presidential inauguration Australia Day 2009 will open the door of internal and international consciousness and cooperation wider to let in the light and fresh air to welcome in all citizens who love and appreciate genuine Democratic, liberating non threatening tolerance acceptance and understanding regardless of race skin colour or faith.

Following on from the Sorry speech at the opening of the 2008 Australian Parliament we will be able to continue the walk as Senator Obama has done by being the first African American to lead the American people showing conclusively that his Audacity of Hope has led him to this amazing achievement for the American people and he has become a living symbol of integration for all regardless of race, skin colour, or creed.

We all see the middle ground and were born with the right to live appreciate and revere that cooperative core of humanity.

Where there is a will there is a way.

Sure we all have our work to do and we also understand we have a way to go to heal old wounds and treat old scars however the focal convergence of the financial tsunami, global warming, rising seas threatening the supply of clean air and water can no longer be ignored as these basic essential needs must be available and gratified for each and every one of us sharing civilisation on this planet.

We now enter a wonderful new age of conciliation where we seek to find the common ground between the extremes of left and right, right and wrong to sit in the middle and wonder how the situation feels for the other party as we open our hearts and minds to the views and attitudes of the other party.

In many many instances we are actually seeking the identical out come and our old cultural conditioning and fear, yes basic fear of being hurt gets in the way.

Giving rise to that famous quote of “A life lived in fear is a life half lived”

So guess who is coming to dinner

That’s it back to the pond.

Love and blessings

Ph Duck

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Earlier Relevant Articles from LOve a Duck


Ann Sherry AO

Rose Jackson

Ros Kelly

Heather Ridout

I trust my passionate attitude to see that innocent people are protected from this absolute professional and deliberate institutional blindness of systemic neglect which leads on expanding to emotional abuse, neglect, trauma, war and suffering strewn across our society which has for a time become materialistically lost and totally soul destroying to the point where we are heading to suffocation whilst pretending we haven't got a pillow over our head will not upset too many people.

Australia is an island girt by sea so in boating terms we must "Go about", tack to a new course, this is the focus and work of my life to which I have basically dedicated the past 30 years. At times this has been a very lonely isolated place however in some gnawing way I have known eternally that we were heading towards our own absorption to be consumed crucified by patriarchal neglect as the maternal element of life was ignored.

My soul intention has always been to love and respect all. Human as I am and not perfect I have at times kicked a few tables over and forced the envelope in an attempt to expand awareness to this essential need of mankind to live in a non threatening existence, an environment of understanding and connection for community

Last night on ABC television we saw a great show with a panel of really smart women and Mothers on Difference of Opinion. Check this Broadband link to watch the show.
The panel included one Rose Jackson a very talented passionate young woman of 22 year whom I am sure we will hear of again in future years.
This panel of business women presented such a grounded strong settling status that I as a man felt reassured and took on a personal sense of new hope, almost connecting to a primal nourishing self awareness, an experience known from child hood when Mother returned to fix the mess after the mix master splattered the kitchen with sloppy chocolate cake or toffee stuck to the saucepan.
The program carried a reassurance that times are changing, with this pregnant, feminine social awareness as we move into this new era I am positive of this gestating confinement now.
We all need to take a committed attitude towards all rather than a bipartisan attitude of left vs right or Labour vs Liberal if we are going to heal this contagious social blindness of the ravenous corporate predators feasting behind the guise and ‘spin’ of capitalistic competition over the past 30 so years and of course a slower lead in prior to that as the merchants and traders found ways to survive by stepping into the line up and adding a margin for their taking. We conceive new life through a union of energies, women have never been satisfied with mere sex, as pleasurable as it may be that was simply a tubular vehicle of humanity to deliver new life. Today women want families and need to remain nourished by the continuing joy of knowing life will survive in their Grand children.

Wonderous advantages of technology with computers through latter years has separated humanity from the human touch of reality, also enabled corporations to evolve as they stepped away from the humane element of social responsibility; we have machinery monitored by computers in every facet of life. Now the computer says “The seas are rising”.
Frenzied disconnected electronic and materialistic consumption must be returned to a satiable, considered level of even rrespiration, with equanimity, tidal, expansion and contraction rise and fall, balance, reason, understanding.
The corporate No Gurls mentality of "rock, paper, scissors" or Mine , machine, sell, is no longer sustainable, coal, uranium, plutonium poison for X to the power of x generations.

Love, compassion, trust, honesty, integrity, all sound like good social ingredients for a sustainable future, that’s the way the aborigines of this fragile land Australia managed for 40,000 years. Sure there were flares, violence and tribal friction amongst the people; however their behaviour did not lead to the desolation of species, land, water and air.
Have a look at and the woman who does the illustration is Badger Bates born in down town Wilcannia October 5 so she must be well balanced lady.

Love You, Love Yourself, love one and other.

Here below is a hint to how our island Australia may be re floated to a sustainable level of recovery, the model of a human body is identical to the society in which the body lives which also is identical to the earth upon which society floats.
Check the Centre with a heart, might be yours you feel.
That's all for now folks phDuck loves to float and Ponder

Indigenous Wisdom


Welcome back or Welcome In

Ancient survivors of this land have a genuine spiritual connection which white fellers have not been able to understand. Aboriginal people know well that no man can take land with him when he leaves. We can never own the earth, earth is our source of nourishment, shelter and store place of all living organisms, every thing that is alive on this earth has a purpose to be here, man is a late comer and very very slow learner who really does not take too kindly to seeing his own mistakes.

This is a very sad and sorry state of being and no amount of fixing problems will get any where if we continue working with a system of predators in a market place driven by an endless spiralling cyclone of credit.

Only rare individuals in the past, and today still a minority of people, have taken
seriously the knowledge of indigenous people. In so doing, some have learned to
listen to what Aboriginal people say about country. More daringly, perhaps, some
have learned to listen to what country says about itself. Dr David Bowman, a
respected scientist, speaking in a reflective mood, had this to say about science
and scientists:
"For me [science] is a rational dialogue with mystery: our lives are so cluttered
by technology that we forget how little we know of our origin and our destiny.
Similarly ecological science can be thought of as a way of ‘talking to country’.
Over the last ten years I have been privileged to interact with North Australian
landscapes … Through science I have learnt some of the landscape’s story. I
have heard a landscape crying out for management. Therefore I feel obliged to
communicate that message … The decisions we make today not only affect the
continued existence of long lineages of life forms, but in a sense those decisions
directly affect us. Why else does extinction bother us so much? 161
The late David Burrumarra believed that human and ecological rights are
most properly embedded each within the other. That is, one cannot speak in a
holistic way about human rights without speaking also of ecological rights, and
vice versa. He outlined the three main principles which he taught to young people,
and he defined them as the ‘real human rights’:
Do the ceremony properly for your homeland and for yourself.
Understand the land and everything on it so you can manage it
When you are a bungawa [leader] you will stand up and do the
business properly for your homeland and Australia.
When we learn how to make each of these human/ecological rights a genuine
possibility for every Australian, we will be well on the road to caring for country.

Nourishing Terrains - Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness

This earth has an Aboriginal culture inside.

Nourishing Terrains - Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness
From these types of statements we must conclude that a holistic world view,
which situates life forms as part of living systems, will conceptualise loss in complex and non-absolute ways, and will place confidence in the earth’s capacity to recover from damage. If the regeneration of ecosystems is to involve Aboriginal people, as I believe it must, it will of necessity depend on sharing understandings in complex and non-absolute ways.
Everybody will benefit.
The concept of a living world depends on communication: it requires that one
listen as well as speak; it requires an attitude of attentiveness and a degree of
I would say that the concept of a truly living world requires a shift in
thinking for many settlers.



Welcome In or Welcome back to my country who ever you are.

I am not a native aboriginal of this land, however in my first 4 years I was raised in Nanya country on South Australian sandy mallee on a station running 6000 sheep on 60 square miles which blows out to around 360, 000 acres.

Here our Father followed the practice of burning country as the old people of this gentle fragile country had done for endless generations before the sheep and cattle arrived.

That Station was known to us as "Canopus" after the star that led the squatters into the land some 35 years before us.

"Canopus" fortunately has now been returned to a national park under the name of Danggali Conservation Park lying 90 km north of Renmark, in the northern half of the Murray Basin adjacent to the New South Wales border. The park is known for its vastness and wilderness appeal and is dominated by Mallee scrubland.
In 1977 Danggali Conservation Park was classified as Australia's first Biosphere Reserve under UNESCO's "Man and the Biosphere Program". The park provides visitors with opportunities to enjoy remote area camping, interesting bird watching and the chance to explore relics of pastoral history.
So having watched Australia agriculture constantly disintegrate under the pressure of a "competitive " market system I am delighted to see the wheel turning full circle with deserving recognition due to the aboriginal people who manned this fragile and gentle land so sensibly for 40,000 years and white man has watched it blow and erode closer to a desolation of movings sands in a 100 year hour glass.

Following is information about a book about Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness recorded into a PDF book Commissioned by the Gederal Govt and written by Deborah Bird Rose titled Nourishing Terrains -

Indigenous Australians have helped to create the landscape. Through their continuing relationship with the land, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have developed a comprehensive knowledge of its resources and needs. Their land management practices are complex techniques that rest on a vast body of knowledge which is now being incorporated into biological research, land management, language, art and many other facets of contemporary Australian life.
Indigenous people’s wisdom and rights in relation to country are now widely appreciated. Australians of European descent increasingly appreciate that what they have called and cherished as ‘wilderness’ has a long history of human use, and these areas continue to be the ‘nourishing terrains’ of Indigenous Australians. This has resulted in a shift in the understanding of wilderness to reflect the human history of those landscapes.
As Deborah Bird Rose says ‘There is no place without a history; there is no place that has not been imaginatively grasped through song, dance and design, no place where traditional owners cannot see the imprint of sacred creation’.

The role of the Australian Heritage Commission is to identify heritage places which are part of Australia’s National Estate. The Commission recognises that Indigenous values and knowledge are important in the management of heritage places, and encourages understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Within this context, the Commission asked Deborah Bird Rose to write this book to explore Indigenous views of landscape and their relationships with the land.

This book provides an overview of Indigenous perspectives, and captures the spiritual and emotional significance of the land to Aboriginal people. The poems, songs and words of Indigenous people included in this book testify the undeniable strength of their feeling and connection with their land.

I hope this book will foster a greater understanding amongst non-Indigenous
Australians of the significance of Aboriginal connections with country. Such an understanding is essential if we are to develop better relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
Wendy McCarthy AO
Australian Heritage Commission


Following is a letter sent to "Fatty" Vautin and fellow members of the Footy show, I also sent a similar letter to Rugby League Week and also to Mr David Gallop GM of the National Rugby League in the week ending 04.05.07.

Dear Mr. Paul Vautin and fellow panel members of the footy show,I writing to you as as a professional psychotherapist and gambling Counsellor to express my concern at what could well be seen, and to my mind is a major conflict of interest in having rugby league (and union) so heavily promoted by alcohol and even to be promoted and spoken of as the "spirit of rugby league". The promotion is unquestionably professionally driven by very skillful marketers producing well researched catchy advertisements specifically targeted to the psyche of the market.Unfortunately we seem to have overlooked the fallen soldiers, along with all the servicemen returning from war, or when the game is over for some.I am no wowser and have mixed drinking and footy with plenty of men in my 56 years however, whilst not excusing my self from those times had in the past I do wish to high light the intensity of the present media promotion across all ages today.Over the past 30 years society has moved its formerly individual or collective communication base into one of corporate driven electronic media which further isolates and alienates and disconnects traumatised individuals. This reality is regularly exposed by the massive and damaging exposure when the “Stars” fall from their outstanding heights, as in the case of Sailor, Walker, Gower, Williams, Mason, Warne, Johns, etc. These outstanding people give more, risk more, try harder and are extremely hard on themselves, sometime they need to rest and take in some support, nurture and encouragement to escape the fear of self defeat. They are so “tuned” in their hyper vigilance they have enormous difficulty in “switching off”, and are easy victims for compulsive obsessive activity such as gambling, drinking, sexing, drugging, spending, golfing, grouping, or gaming of any kind for entertainment, completely oblivious that they are actually keep denied emotions at bay.Society and fortunately sport administrators did recognise the hypocrisy of promoting nicotine in the days when the league itself was systemically addicted to cigarette sponsorship, here I bring to the table the parallel with alcoholic addiction, violence, inexplicable general human abuse with endless neglect, shame and subsequent, abandonment to depression caused by excessive consumption of alcohol interfering with human behavioral communication.I am well aware of the liquor industries “enshrined laws" in relation to responsible service of alcohol and gambling, however I am also a realist and in my profession I assure you alcohol and gambling are two of our most wicked and damaging forms of recreational diversion from personal trauma which in generally has resulted from in childhood experience.So here we are today directly and deliberately promoting a well known enraging spirit to all the young up and coming youth, sports stars and especially footballers.In this fast moving age of responsible social management for the planet our adults of society, community leaders, directors need to display greater responsibility and care for these young impressionable minds and sports enthusiast in a much more responsible manner and I sincerely recommend moving on from this lucrative benefactor who is deliberately hoping to and succeeding to indelibly brand their minds with in a deep psychological relationship to sport.This cannot be doubted and does in fact occur without intention of the receiver as those words “Oh what a feeling” instantly connect with ……………. Yes a motor company.
Thank you for the opportunity to express this genuine concern.
I look forward to your considered response.
Yours Sincerely
Psychotherapist and Addiction Counsellor
Bondi Junction Counselling Service
Level 1 Royal175-181 Oxford St Bondi Junction 1355
93877752 mob 0412 777303

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Emphasis on Mindfulness for sustainable community. Natural evolution of all life is the primal component for sustainability and needs no domionator, we known this when we understand fish and water are one.