“You go right on ahead and forward your resume to President elect Barack Obama himself personally, and please do let him know exactly what you have done for all those disenfranchised children of OUR world.”
As I wrote you previously I enjoyed Audacity of Hope Barack’s most recent autobiography. Really its nothing that you have not already done in your way and mine too.
We have known for ages that the health of the world was in perilous danger and because we are all One at the Centre and this is exactly where Barack is focusing his attention.
At the Centre of humanity, in the heart, not the head we immediately get the safe sense, he is one of us. “Love one and other as I have loved you”.
Barack is for real. Oprah Winfrey says on the book cover “I do believe he is the one”.
SO Go Girl, send that resume with papers, photos, DVD, and your natural loving intention.
Barack Obama’s task and the energy necessary to hold this sheet and the wheel to navigate through Hell and high water during the battering storm and tempest we are sailing into will require super human effort, love, support, tolerance, humility and dour statesman charismatic brilliance.
Simply by knowing the level of committed support available strengthens one’s resolve to bring our vessel of consciousness in this instance named “Confidence”, carrying mankind through to the birth of beautiful clear calm waters and a radiant healthy child of the people. Then and only then will there will be peace in the valley as only Elvis Presley could sing.
Greetings and congratulations from US in Australia

Please pass on our love and do tell President elect and his growing team that the majority of Australia sent you because you also are the real deal and you have our support.
One Breath of fresh air for mankind on step for the world
As you know already Amber E we are One Body we are not separate, we have been separated.
Now through your work we are again in touch with a supersensitive poly vagal the early warning system of pre-body conscious awareness which switches universal oxytocin on when we know things are safe consequently we sense a release of the neural fear and suppression previously infused by the over conscious dark Knights and Hell bound Devils of the realm.
Crossing of the Red Sea

As Moses crossed the Red sea in his exodus We also are heading for Heaven a promise land across the turbulent sea of consciousness and we will break through to a higher frequency, mankind will be released to be “born again” at the Pineal.
Now I’m back to the Pond for some more Counselling
Love Peace and Blessings to all